Systems and Symbols

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Archive for the category “America”

One cycle ends as another cycle beings


The program of White genocide is coming to an end.  There’s nothing the anti-Whites can do except present and frame pro-Whites in the worst light possible. All they can do is attack the messenger and this only buys them time. It’s over for the anti-Whites.  The low to mid-level anti-Whites who spread anti-White hate in the universities and media are close to seeing their worlds being turned upside down. The high level globalists who orchestrated White genocide to help bring forth global government are not only facing the consequences of trying to push White genocide, they’re also getting hit geopolitically and financially by all the other people in the world that they pissed off over the years.

My concern at this point is over what will come next. Bob Whitaker has presented the idea of suing the hell out of the people and organizations that had participated and benefited from White genocide. I wholeheartedly support this idea and believe the money gained from such a campaign should be used to help create a brighter future for White children.   At some point ideas will have to be discussed for the legal-spatial realities involved in ending White genocide. In the United States, at the very least, freedom of association will need to be re-implemented.  In Europe major parts of countries will be set aside exclusively to ensure the long term survival and amelioration of the traditional populations.  In America Whites should move to rural areas and repopulate the small towns and farming communities that emptied after WWII.  These issues will have to be addressed, but I’m still thinking beyond this. I’m thinking about higher purposes (1).


Once White genocide is stamped out and survival is ensured for the foreseeable future, the next phase will be the amelioration of the folk.  This phase will require institutions and individuals to create a “Renaissance” of sorts that will span across the White Western world.  There will need to be new media organs on par with the major cable news stations, mainstream newspapers, radio, and internet outlets.  There will need to be universities/colleges created following the model of other identitarian universities (Black, Jewish, Christian, Catholic, Mormon, etc).  In the beginning these institutions of higher learning should focus on the liberal arts and fine arts.  These Universities would offer a pro-White atmosphere and curriculum just as Brandeis University offers a pro-Jewish or BYU offers a pro- Mormon atmosphere and curriculum.  Later a pro-White Law school should be created and eventually a research university.

I must also emphasize the importance of the arts in this White Renaissance.  I’ve said this in the past and it must be said again and again that the power of art is near infinite. We need movies, shows, music, paintings, sculptures, poetry, comic books, architecture, etc. to give the folk a vision of the divine state that we wish to attain.  Art is like gasoline on the fire of the imagination.  Whites must also organize to improve the state of the world. Organizations of White men and woman should be taking on huge environmental issues like cleaning the pacific garbage patch. On the local level we should clean up public areas, plant trees, and take part in beautification efforts.  When the world hears that the Whites are taking on a world class problem, there should be feelings of relief worldwide. Commercially pro-Whites should enter the agricultural sector and directly compete with the big agro-businesses.  The same way Indians from India are highly concentrated in motels and corner gas stations pro-Whites should “cultivate” a large presence in organic and non-GMO farming and ranching.  Racially conscious Whites should look to concentrate into strategic industries that produce tangible goods and services:  agriculture, water treatment, medicine, communications, transportation (including space), energy, and STEM industries. The funding for much of the White Renaissance will come from the lawsuits discussed above.


The next subject I wish to address is religion and spirituality.  I tend to treat this subject with high importance and, as is said about politics, believe that while you might not care about spirituality that spirituality cares about you.  Humans are inclined towards belief, faith and the symbolic.  We need it for our well-being.  The globalist elites are extremely spiritual people and if you watch a Super Bowl halftime show or major award show you realize that they have your spirituality in mind as well. These acts are filled with masonic symbolism, racial amalgamation, and satanic imagery.  So while you might not care about what your minds and souls are exposed to, you can be sure that the globalist elites are taking care of this for you. Since these are the same people who push White genocide and global government, I think it shouldn’t be difficult to deduce that these “acts” (actually rituals) are not created for you or your children’s benefit.  Any attempt at planning for the future of the folk must include a discussion of religion and spirituality.


In the past I was designing a religion specifically for White people called the “White Path”(2).  While designing this religion I was reading a lot about the spread of Christianity through Europe in the early middle Ages and obtained a new appreciation for Christianity (3).  It dawned on me that a religion based on love, compassion, forgiveness, and charity, with a God that died for us, was superior to what I had thought up.  I also started leaning towards Christianity for its utility as a hedge against any possible aggressive reaction to the coming awakening of the White masses to White genocide.  Once the anti-White information campaign being disseminated by the media and education system for the last 50 years is uncovered as being part of the program of White genocide, the subsequent responses to the realities of a multiracial environment might be a bit disconcerting.  A situation like the one currently in Ferguson Missouri could end up much differently once the anti-White information frame (which produces the “acceptable”  perceptions, assumptions, myths, and narratives regarding racial issues) is removed (picture lampposts decorated with baggy clothed corpses).  My hope was that the Christian message could help mitigate the rage that 50 years of explicit anti-Whiteness could generate in the greater White working and middle class populations.  I also thought it wouldn’t be prudent to start suggesting changing the religion of the majority of White people for the last 1500-2000 years with all the other major changes that are coming out soon.

Of course there are strikes against Christianity that should be discussed. People out of the White Nationalist world sometimes argue that Christianity’s Jewish origin is reason for its disqualification. They say that a religion for Europeans should derive from the mind and soul of Europeans.  This is a legitimate argument. Of course, no one really knows for sure who wrote the New Testament and it can’t be denied that the God of the New Testament and the God of the Old Testament are nothing alike. At the same time Christianity could also be considered the most anti-Jewish religion in the world. The Gospel of John is quite anti-Jewish and while it was a Roman leader who legally sanctioned the Savior’s execution, it was the Jews who supplied the hateful motivations that lead to his death. Pilate gave the Jews  the opportunity to free a criminal or free Jesus, and we know who they chose. Some of the sources that describe Jesus describe him as being more European looking than Middle Eastern. Of course, these sources aren’t generally accepted among “mainstream historians.”  A Jewish origin Jesus really doesn’t bother this author as I explain it as God’s test of our humility. If God wants to make the Savior of the world come from the Jews, then this is his business.  This is similar to God telling Abraham to kill his son to prove his loyalty to God. Sometimes God’s ways look terribly wrong, but in the end his ways work out for the best. Another possibility is that Jesus came from the Jews because the Jews needed his message more than the rest of us?  The Jews had first dibs at Jesus but it was White Europeans who overwhelmingly accepted him as Lord and Savior and who with great zeal charged forward to spread his message to the nations.


Anyway, it’s not the Jewish origin that most concerns this author but the otherworldly focus of the religion. Can a faith that is mainly focused on the afterlife be reconciled with a human groups’ desire to survive in this world?  For many Christians, if the human group is Jewish then the answer is a resounding “yes.”  But try telling a Christian Pastor or Catholic Priest that the people of Europe wish to survive as a group and this would generate looks of outright horror. The same European peoples who created the Vatican, Gothic Cathedrals, and Gregorian chant would be publicly denied racial survival by most Catholic Priests, while the people who created the Protestant Reformation would hear the same renunciations by most Protestant ministers.   In some liberal Protestant denominations this would even be considered a sin.  Because of the “otherworldly” focus of Christianity, it would seem logical that they should remain out of the conversation altogether.  They could take the line that all people are examples of God’s greatness and if certain human groups wish to secure their survival that there should be no problem with this as long as they don’t infringe on the rights of others to do the same (a form of The Golden Rule).  Or they can take the position that their focus is on the soul and its salvation and that racial matters are of little concern to them. These are mainly political stances, so it should be noted that these generally change when the winds of power start to change.

But the question of the essence of Christianity and White survival is still unanswered.  Is a new religion needed for White people to truly reach divinity and find peace as we travel the universe in the future?  Would Christianity (due to its otherworldly nature) be an obstacle in raising the folk to the next level of being?  I will try to answer this as well as give a review of the “White Path” religion that I described in the past.

spiral swastika

The White Path religion starts with the supreme God or Force or First Mover or All that is found in all other monotheistic religions (4).  This God is the creator of all things and the reason there is something instead of nothing. This God is beyond anything we can think of.  This God in the White Path religion is symbolized by a Golden Spiral Swastika (like the above spiral symbol but in gold color like below).  Those on the White Path worship this God and give him/she/it praise for all the good that God has provided especially the good of Whiteness. White humans on the White Path glorify God by creating powerful forms; the most powerful form being an intergalactic civilization (sometimes called the “Great White Art Project”), which includes the people who build it. No people have an exclusive claim to God but different people have different “paths” to God. For White people this is the White Path.

golden swastika

The next level down from God, on the White Path, is the “White gods” (5). These White gods (notice the small letter g), or advanced beings are the gods of European mythology.  These gods are our helpers as we create our intergalactic civilization for the glory of God. Whether they exist as supernatural beings as our ancestors thought,  corporeal extraterrestrials, or just as archetypes in our racial memories is still uncertain. But they do exist and they will also act as idealized “new men/woman” that we attempt to build ourselves into. The uppermost characteristic of building the intergalactic civilization is improving the people who build it. These future “Ubermenschen” are to be crafted without permanent cognitive connections with computers. In other words, these are not “transhumans” with their brains jacked into cloud networks. These are autonomous beings that will retain their humanity given to us by God.


The White Path is about glorifying God by building an intergalactic civilization with the help of the White gods.  As this civilization is built by and for White humans, all other humans will be lifted up as a result.  The White Path is “our” path (meaning White European derived peoples) but God belongs to all people. We will not interfere with the paths or ways of others as long as they don’t interfere with ours.  The concept of the afterlife is less emphasized on the White Path because nothing is really known about it for certain. Logic dictates however if there is a God that created us that this current life is most likely a test.  The characteristics most likely favored by the source of all goodness (aka God) would be selflessness, creativity, love, patience, honesty, compassion, logic, reason, and faith.  Since the building of the Great White Art Project will require these characteristics, the White Path would be optimal for cultivating and displaying such characteristics to the source of all goodness (aka God).  Within Christianity the focus is on compassion, love, charity, and forgiveness, with little regard for “worldliness.”  I’ve heard it said by Christian theologians that God will only ask you “how you loved” when you stand before him in judgement.   In many ways Christian doctrine advocates trading safety, comfort, and progress in this world for salvation in the next (which may not exist). Also keep in mind that The globalist elites find their spiritual nourishment in Freemasonry, Talmudism, the Kabbalah and other pagan ideas and symbolism. They follow faiths that encourage building global government, with them at the top with us “profane” “goyim” masses chiseled into bricks to fit into their pyramidical order. Meanwhile we follow a faith in Christianity that advocates denying “the world.”  We “turn the other cheek” while they take “an eye for an eye” or sometimes just take an eye  ( if that’s what their NWO requires).   The White Path advocates living and planning for both. The White Path advocates living life for Above and for Below.


Here’s a quick case study comparison. Currently in the Southern part of the US there have been a large number of foreign migrants illegally flooding the country (including many unsupervised children). This created a “humanitarian crises.”  The Christian approach for dealing with this issue is to bring these people into our communities and to adopt the children into our homes.  Whether or not this has a long term effect on the civilizational quality of the West (and henceforth the whole world) is not of any concern because these actions will get us to heaven for eternity. The White Path’s approach for dealing with this issue is to build a system for making these people more capable of making their own homelands more like the countries they want to flood in to. Parts of America would be portioned for foreigners to work and learn and save money before going home. This approach protects the civilizational quality of White lands but also helps out the people in need.  Since little is known about the afterlife, the White Path doesn’t advocate gambling everything for a time we know almost nothing about. But at the same time it allows one to die with a conscious knowing that you made life better for the less fortunate, regardless of race, which many traditional European pagan religions or materialist philosophies (like National Socialism) fail to consider (or outright reject).  However, if it ends up that nothing happens after death, then we can die knowing that we contributed to raising up the folk to a higher level (and by extension all people) and that our legacy lives on through the Great White Art Project and through our progeny.

Here’s some questions to consider.  What has contributed to the alleviation of more suffering in the world; Christianity, or White man’s technology?  Here’s another  to consider for people who strongly believe in an afterlife. Just as there are people who claim to follow Jesus “just in case” there is an afterlife, should not steps be taken “just in case” there isn’t? Why wouldn’t we, with great eagerness, attempt to save the human group of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle,  Pythagoras, Bach, Da Vinci, Newton, Shakespeare, Franklin, Washington, Tesla, etc.?  And for the non-believing materialists out there thinking about this, is not the beauty of White women alone enough to enthusiastically support White survival? From whatever angle one thinks about this issue, once people of European origin are gone there is no bringing them back. So let’s not take the chance!

the star

Practitioners of the White Path should glorify, meditate on, and pray to God every day and pray to the White gods at least once a week.  At least once a month you are to conduct the “White Rite.”  This should include a golden swastika spiral symbol, a representation of the White gods (drawings, statues, Tiwaz rune), at least one White candle, a beer stein, and a beer product (ale, IPA, Stout, lager, etc.).  You should arrange the objects involved so the God spiral is highest with the White god image under it and the White candle in between. The images should be facing south so that you face the North when looking at them. You should light the candle, ask the White gods to be present and hold up the stein and ask God to turn the beer into holy nectar that will empower you to do your best part in building the Great White Intergalactic Civilization which will glorify God and secure a future for White people. You should then drink one sip or gulp of the beer. Only fill the stein with enough beer to drink it in one gulp (whatever this may be for you). If outdoors, you may dump some on the ground for your ancestors after taking a gulp. Put the stein down and conclude the White Rite by doing a Roman Salute northward while saying “Hail God.”  In the future, if the White Path becomes the organized religion for White people the White Rite will become more elaborate and the use of temples and giant White Cathedrals will be utilized (6).



I have no idea what the future of White Western religion and spiritually will be like. I believe a lot will depend on the actions of the Christian churches.  If the churches give support or at least display tolerance towards the question of White survival then they very well might remain the faith of Western man/woman for another 2000 years (they’ll probably see a major increase in attendance as well).  But if they act as another anti-White cog in the anti-White machine don’t be surprised if the White gods return to reclaim their people. The holy archetypes of Jesus, Mary, and the Saints may get replaced by the new/old holy archetypes of Odin, Frigg, Thor, and Freya?  In the end it’s all up to God and it is God who will decide.  One thing is for certain, White people need to be sure they have an active spiritual and religious life now and in the future. The globalist elites (7) and their god of Lucifer (8) might be headed for a major defeat in the near future, but they will be back. Whites must remember that the task of racial survival is like a garden in that it’s never really done. The weeds will always come back, so it’s best to plant flowers, plants,and grass, so that the weeds aren’t able to root into the soil. If you find the White Path religion interesting, I suggest reading all my posts on the “White Path” religion which can be found in the “categories” column to your right. I also recommend reading the posts on “the gods.”


As for the author (and creator of the Systems and Symbols blog) this post is going to be my last for a long time; perhaps even forever. I need to concentrate inward and intensely tend to my own garden. I need to ponder the Almighty and attempt to glimpse at and interpret his Will for my life.  I need to rotate away for some time before rotating back to this orbital point.  Within this blog holds the solutions for many of the world’s most complicated issues.  now I must spend time Addressing an even More complicated iSSue:

isa rune.

“Win power over yourself and you will have power over everything in the spiritual and physical worlds that strive against you.”

-Guido Von List

“First keep thyself in peace, and then shalt thou be able to be a peacemaker towards others.”

-Thomas Kempis










“Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to people of good will.”

Johnny Racist

Verrrry Interesting

Today I made a comment at Counter Currents Publishing in reply to a post titled “White Extinction”(1).  The basic argument of the post was that Whites are facing extinction and are in need of a homeland.  Here was my comment:

I believe we need White spaces and institutions to guarantee survival.  When it comes to White spaces, the options are either White areas within multi-racial countries or outright White countries.  I agree that an outright White country would be more efficient in maintaining survival, my concerns are with the cost of achieving these all White countries.

What is the cost of partitioning lets say 2/3 of America for Whites only?  How many people are you willing to see die (Whites and non-Whites) to achieve it?

White Nationalists overwhelmingly believe that the Jews rule the Western world. I once thought this way as well, but now realize the situation is (unfortunately) more complicated. It’s more likely that the Western world is ruled by several factions, one of which is world Jewry, but the others being masonic “WASP” Anglo-American elites (with the head being British aristocracy) , and the other being Continental European (with the head being German). In general the Jews and masonic WASPs tend to be aligned. The Continental European side tends to have stronger connections with the Catholic Church and in the last 20 years with Russia.

The last time this group did battle was WWII and since 1945 we’ve had a period of peace. But since the early 2000’s this period of peace has started to unwind.

So what happens when the Anglo-American masonic WASP side starts to see itself loosing its position and decides that its only hope to retain power is to offer North American Whites a “deal.”  Lets say they give Whites full power over the military and the right to force non-Whites off 67% of the land mass of the US.  Mormonism would be the State religion and you’d have to pledge you fealty to the British Royal family. After this new White State is established, the population would have to go to war against the Continental Europeans to “smash the Huns and mongol Russians.”    Over time you’d have to take a chip in your hand, but this would just be to “keep the children safe.”

How many of you would take this deal to get a White State in North America?  What aspects would you reject (Mormonism?, the chip?, war with Europe and Russia?) .

One more question:  Lets say Americans were given total freedom of association (meaning the right to communities, institutions, businesses with who they wanted) and there was end to State financed anti-Whiteness (including a moratorium on non-White immigration) . How many here would still fight for an all White State?

My take on it is this, as much as I’d like an all White State in North America, the cost of getting it would probably be too great. So instead, I’d see total freedom of association and the institutions (media, educational, spiritual) to make White people better off. Then over time as White communities join other White communities, slowly Whites may wish to form something new.  This will be a slower process.  A more organic process to White Statehood.  This way would eliminate the death and suffering involved in cutting out a new White state in North America. It would also greatly reduce the chances for power elites to use us for their bigger plans.

When I checked back at Counter Currents to see if it generated any discussion, I found that at least half of it was erased. Here’s what made it though CC moderation:

I believe we need White spaces and institutions to guarantee survival. When it comes to White spaces, the options are either White areas within multi-racial countries or outright White countries. I agree that an outright White country would be more efficient in maintaining survival, my concerns are with the cost of achieving these all White countries.

What is the cost of partitioning lets say 2/3 of America for Whites only? How many people are you willing to see die (Whites and non-Whites) to achieve it?

One more question: Lets say Americans were given total freedom of association (meaning the right to communities, institutions, businesses with who they wanted) and there was end to State financed anti-Whiteness (including a moratorium on non-White immigration) . How many here would still fight for an all White State?

My take on it is this, as much as I’d like an all White State in North America, the cost of getting it would probably be too great. So instead, I’d see total freedom of association and the institutions (media, educational, spiritual) to make White people better off. Then over time as White communities join other White communities, slowly Whites may wish to form something new. This will be a slower process. A more organic process to White Statehood. This way would eliminate the death and suffering involved in cutting out a new White state in North America. It would also greatly reduce the chances for power elites to use us for their bigger plans.

Here’s the parts that were removed:

White Nationalists overwhelmingly believe that the Jews rule the Western world. I once thought this way as well, but now realize the situation is (unfortunately) more complicated. It’s more likely that the Western world is ruled by several factions, one of which is world Jewry, but the others being masonic “WASP” Anglo-American elites (with the head being British aristocracy) , and the other being Continental European (with the head being German). In general the Jews and masonic WASPs tend to be aligned. The Continental European side tends to have stronger connections with the Catholic Church and in the last 20 years with Russia.   

The last time this group did battle was WWII and since 1945 we’ve had a period of peace. But since the early 2000’s this period of peace has started to unwind. 

So what happens when the Anglo-American masonic WASP side starts to see itself loosing its position and decides that its only hope to retain power is to offer North American Whites a “deal.”  Lets say they give Whites full power over the military and the right to force non-Whites off 67% of the land mass of the US.  Mormonism would be the State religion and you’d have to pledge you fealty to the British Royal family. After this new White State is established, the population would have to go to war against the Continental Europeans to “smash the Huns and mongol Russians.”    Over time you’d have to take a chip in your hand, but this would just be to “keep the children safe.” 

How many of you would take this deal to get a White State in North America?  What aspects would you reject (Mormonism?, the chip?, war with Europe and Russia?) . 

As you the reader can see, there’s nothing in my comments that are vulgar, or violent, or combative. I was perplexed over why this part would be edited?  But then I remembered another comment I posted at CC that was erased outright (never made it through moderation)(2). Here’s what I wrote in that post:

“Race is obviously critical in the WN/Pro-White worldview and organizing principle. We need to talk more about what the concept of “Whiteness” really means. But I still wonder what it is that lies beyond that?  Here are some situations to consider.

Let’s say tomorrow the Anglo-American elites, which belong to an organization like this one (1), come and call a big meeting with the White Nationalist community and offer this. They offer to give White Nationalists a high level authority over 67% of the geographic space of America. They offer to give Whites the power over media, politics, popular culture, with even more power than people suppose Jews to have today. They offer to change the living locations for all non-Whites (from this 67% of the country) except in a few major cities throughout “middle America” where international commerce is conducted.  We’ll say 67 present of the country is under “White Law.”


Everybody has to take a chip in their bodies to be tracked by organizations owned and ran by the Anglo-American elites (2). I’ll call this #1  “White Nationalist + chip situation.”

Here’s another scenario. An America that has FREEdom OF ASSoCIAtiON along with an end to publicly paid anti-Whiteness.  A more localized political life while setting up economic flows between other traditionalist parties across the world.  Teutons, Russian traditionalists, British nationalists but also Hindus, Japanese, South America indigenous Indians, North American Indians, Chinese Nationalists, Israelis and other Jews who will respect our boundaries. I call this #2 “Traditionalist-Freedom of association” situation.

What situation would you prefer #1 or #2?

I’d take #2.

I wouldn’t be able to accept (for example) the force relocation of the America Indians. Or the forced return of “African Americans” (blacks who are descended from black slaves) to Africa.  I have something that I place above ultimate White racial interests. I couldn’t maliciously fuck over innocent people for my political worldview or metaphysical outlook. Something in my being does not allow me to put racial interests at the very top.

BUT HERE’S A THIRD SCENARIO!!! #3!!!.  Let’s say some Ubermensch-like, White extraterrestrials land one day and say:

“OK you pasted the test. We made you and put you in this situation with non-Whites to see if you’d let yourselves get wiped out. Since you made it this long; you past the test. Now you Whites must kill off every single non-White and every single Jew in the world. Then we’ll build an intergalactic civilization with us teaching you the mysteries of the Universe while you live as colonists for us laying down our law across the universe.”   I call this #3 the “Ubermensch test for US” situation.

Who would take # 3?

To the readers, at least just post the number you’d prefer, if you don’t feel like discussing it. Or feel free to discuss your choice.

So after reading over this comment, I started comparing the two. I looked for aspects that were in the first comment removed that matched the parts that were edited from the latest. From comparing the two it seems that my offenses were in mentioning the Anglo-American-masonic “WASP” elites (3) and from my speculations of possible scenarios in which the Anglo-American-Masonic “WASP” elites could create an all-White homeland in North America if they were faced with the threat of loss of power or loss of existence. I believe the following two words sum up this situation perfectly (watch video below):




*Note: Despite this “verrry interesting” observance, I believe Counter Currents is the best White Nationalist website (outside of the BUGS-White Rabbit sphere) in the world today. I recommend donating to their website.


King of the United States of America

kingofUSARecently an article was published at the Politico website in which the author (MICHAEL AUSLIN of the America Enterprise Institute) made an argument for a King/Queen or “First Citizen” of the United States (1).  The role of the King/Queen he described was mostly symbolic and ceremonial.

The purpose of this article is to discuss the idea of a King/Queen (or First Citizen) of the United States.

If there was to be an American King/Queen or “First Citizen” their main purpose would be to serve the citizens of the United States by defending them against the elites. They would be the #1 advocate for the people’s interests. They would openly stand against the most parasitical and exploitive elements of the political and left and right as well as vehemently opposing the forces pushing the US (and the world) into global government.

From the right the King/Queen would defend the people against the corporatist and militarist elements (aka the “military-industrial-complex”). He/she would advocate for better wages and better benefits for working people. The First Citizen would advocate for a national healthcare system. He/she would oppose the creation of genetically modified foods. The King/Queen would defend the environment from corporate polluters. The King/Queen would be a promoter of small and mid-size businesses. He/she would oversee an education system that is capable of creating enough people in the STEM fields to make the United States non-dependent on foreign migrants to do this work. The King/Queen would keep its citizens from fighting unnecessary wars for corporate, Zionist, and/or globalist interests.

From the left the Queen/King would defend the people against the forces of cultural Marxism and political correctness. She/he would oppose anti-Whiteness and cultural degeneracy. She/he would defend freedom of speech. She/he would advocate states’ rights and freedom of association. She/he would defend the traditional family and the right to bear arms. This First Citizen would fight for the people’s right to not be spied on by intelligence agencies for no reason. The Queen/King would fight to greatly limit immigration and work to reform the immigration laws in a way that would benefit the working people of the US.  The Queen/King would expose and fight the major forces that attempt to push the United States into globalist entities like the so called “North American Union.”

The institutions that the King/Queen would work closely with to bring about and maintain these arrangements would be labor unions, small business councils, educational institutions, churches, and non-governmental organizations. These institutions are populated by the people and work to benefit the people. The First Citizen would work close to the people in order to remain in touch with them. Less time would be spent in elite circles and elite organizations. In fact, it’s best if the King/Queen spent no time socially with the elites.  When it comes to the American elites or aristocracy (celebrities, economic elites, eastern establishment, media figures, political families), it would be all business.

The First Citizen would have veto power over the President. They should serve for 20 years and (as AUSLIN suggests in his article) be “nominated by the serving First Citizen himself, approved unanimously by the speaker and minority leader of the House and the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and ratified by a unanimous Supreme Court.” They should live in a Gothic style castle  in Washington DC. They would also have a second castle near the mean population center of the United States and a third on the West coast. In the Senate/House chambers they would have a throne that would sit in a place that would suggest high importance relative to everyone else. Every six months the King/Queen would have a sort of “question time” with the President, House Leaders, Senate Leaders, Supreme Court Justices, and any department heads that he/she calls on. This would take place in the castle in DC and the King would sit on a throne while the national leadership stood in front of him/her.  The King/Queen would question these leaders based on the concerns of the citizenry.

The one feature that I’m still pondering is whether or not they should wear a crown? For now I’ll say “yes,” and this crown would be worn during special events like the “question time” and the “State of the Union” and other national ceremonial events.  The King/Queen would be crowned in the National Cathedral in Washington DC by the clergy of his/her choice.  The King/Queen would swear a solemn oath before Almighty God that he/she will defend the interests of the American people before all others. This oath should explicitly ask the Almighty to strike them down for reasons of corruption and/or treason against the American people.

The First Citizen should be married with kids.  The spouse of the First Citizen would be known as the King or Queen “consort.”  They should be a veteran. They should not be a Freemason.  They should be formally educated (at least a bachelor’s degree) but should not have attended an Ivy League school.  They should not have held political office.  They should be at least a “nominal Christian” in that they would recognize Christianity as the dominant American cultural religion and be sympathetic to the basic philosophies of Jesus Christ.  The King/Queen and their family should be a model for all other citizens to look up to.

In contrast with the King/Queen I envision, The First Citizen described by Mr. Auslin really has little purpose. In fact his kind of King/Queen would be a propaganda figure that the people would find distraction in that would keep the attention off the actions of the elites that Mr. Auslin serves. This is what the Monarchy of Great Britain does. The British Monarchy is very popular and people feel pride about them. But the truth is that this monarchy does nothing to quell the power of the elites and, in fact, is even in league with them. The kind of First Citizen (and First Family) you could expect from Mr. Auslin’s ilk would either come from within  the American elite (who tend to be related to the British monarchy) and/or be a model multiracial/multicultural American “new man/womyn” and “new family” (multi-racial couple with a pair of adopted kids from Haiti and Cambodia) to help in the social engineering campaign.

The King/Queen or First Citizen that I described would serve the people first and put the elites in check.  That is why (just like my suggestions in my article on How to Save America [2]) this will probably never happen?  But just like my article on how to save America, I felt it my duty to write this just so nobody can ever say that I didn’t try to provide a better solution.



Look for future articles on monarchy to come out soon at SS.

Which Way?

TheJesuswayMy previous post (1) regarding the White Path (2) religion is the last post on this topic that I plan on writing.  This doesn’t mean that I definitely won’t write about in the future; it just means I have no set plans to do so. I have no illusions that there’s much of a chance for such a religion to come into existence anyway. But for some reason the spirit moved in me to lay down this idea so I did so. Now it’s up to God-the Force-the Uber Rotator (3) to decide whether or not it will become something beyond a brainstorming session for this author.

I wholeheartedly believe that the people of the West are in desperate need of spirituality. However, after further reflection, it very well could be the case that advocating for a new religion for White people (at this point in history) may be counterproductive to the main mission of ending White genocide. The people of the West are overwhelmingly Christian, so it’s a very difficult task to get them to change after 2000 years of Christian influence.  This could also make the churches feel threatened, which may put them against the pro-White movement more than they already are.  Getting Whites to understand the program of White genocide is already challenging enough without trying to introduce a new religion to consider.

Besides practical political reasons, there are spiritual reasons as well. I’ve been studying Christianity more closely over the last 4-6 months (especially its spread through Europe during the Middle Ages) and I’ve come to find a new appreciation for it. The pre Christian gods of Europe were gods that reflected human behavior. They could be brave, greedy, cruel, noble, lustful, duplicitous, jealous, loving, hateful, and limited in their power. The religion of Jesus Christ however is a high idea. Jesus was/is a god of love, charity, forgiveness, and good works. The Christian god of Jesus Christ didn’t reflect human behavior; He was something higher for humans to emulate.

From the perspective of the wellbeing of the people, a religion based on the archetype of Christ is more beneficial for them and the society as a whole compared to the pagan faiths of the classical and Germanic worlds, or a religion with racial survival as its highest sacrament (such as the White Path). God is made up of the sum of the consciousness’s of all conscious observers plus something else that transcends the total set of conscious beings.  The question of whether God loves us can mostly be answered by asking if we love ourselves and the world we observe.  Since we are a part of God, we are a major factor in determining God’s love for us and God’s grace in relation to our lives.

Unfortunately this high idea of love, forgiveness, and charity has been used to help carry out genocide against the White people of earth (4). The idea here is that since Christ commands us to love one another, this means that White people (and only White people) are required to be blended out of existence through forced integration with non-Whites.  This concept has been circulated by all the major Christian denominations. The churches have played and do play a major role in channeling non-Whites into Western countries purely out of their desire to grow their congregations and to gain favor with the anti-White globalist elites. Instead of serving their communities, the churches have had a hand in destroying communities and now have the nerve to complain when church attendance greatly decreases in Western countries. Church attendance is in part sinking for the same reason that people are more distrustful of government than ever; these institutions contribute to the anti-White system. It should be pointed out that there’s nothing inherently anti-White about Christian churches or government. Instead, it’s the people who lead these entities that make them so and the ideas that they adhere to.  What Western Christianity needs are leaders who will defend their people and point out the injustice of White genocide.

To force integrate one group of people into the communities and/or nations of another group of people (as the globalist elites are doing with the help of the churches) is a crime against both groups of people. It’s certainly not very “Christian.” The alienation that people feel in the modern world is in major part due to the loss of community. For Whites this alienation comes from loss of community and from constant anti-White attacks on their peoplehood.  The globalist elites desire the loss of community in order to make the people more open to the creation of global government (aka the NWO).  Jesus said to bring the word to the Nations, not to wipe out the Nations. The surest way to prevent a tyrannical global government is the existence of many autonomous states, nations, city-states, regions, and principalities. This diverse set of polities would stand united in their respect for other people’s way-of-life because doing so would strengthen their own way of life.

Of course I’m more than aware that there are parties with White Nationalism who dislike Christianity. But the truth of the matter is that most Whites in the West don’t share this opinion of Christianity. It’s also worth mentioning that the pre-Christian faiths of Europe weren’t necessarily “pro-White” either. The Vikings were more than happy to sell European women to the Muslims. The Romans probably killed up to million Gaul’s in their Gaul campaigns. On this matter of Christianity and religion I think it’s best to accept things how they are and just focus on smashing the anti-White system through the Mantra message. I will however be writing in the future on how Christianity should be improved.

This doesn’t mean that I’m abandoning the White Path. The White Path may be better suited as being a supplement to religion and spirituality rather than a replacement. There are people I know who attend church on Sunday but who also go to yoga classes on Monday. There are freemasons who are strict Catholics but who take part in spiritual activities in a Masonic lodge. Rather than an entirely new religious institution, a more realistic goal would be the creation of one White Cathedral in North America and one in Europe. Pius White people would be encouraged to visit at least once every 10 years, as Scandinavians were expected to visit the temple of Uppsala every 9 years during the Viking age. The White Cathedral would act as a cultural center and place of mediation, but once a month would offer a “ritual of Whiteness.” It would include all the attributes that I described in past articles on the White Path but just be limited in scale.  Of course, if the churches refuse to reform from the path of anti-Whiteness then there may be no choice but to expand the White Path faith?  It’s partially up to the anti-White globalist elites whether or not they get to deal with Christ-like people or Thor-like people?

My main concern for the present is the destruction of the program of White genocide.  As much as I’d like to see a White “civil religion” of sorts, I must be realistic in my expectations. Prudence dictates not pushing too hard for a brand new faith. My sincere hope is that the White genocide issue can be solved as reasonable people and from a place of thoughtfulness for all (or near all) of the parties involved.  I also hope that certain parties can be helped to see that freedom of association is a basic human right and that no group of people should be forced to endure what is being experienced under the current anti-White system.

The program of White genocide will end. The question is whether it’s Jesus’s way or Thor’s way?






An Olive Branch for Evangelical Christians


At times I’ve probably been a bit hard on Evangelical Christians.  The fact is, pro-Whites and Evangelicals agree on many topics and it is through these common areas of agreement that we should work together. Both groups oppose the degenerate popular culture associated with modern liberalism.  Both groups agree on the importance of the traditional family. Both groups also have concerns over the creation of global government (aka the New World Order). On the topic of race, while Evangelicals might not like to discuss it publically, being concentrated in the South many Evangelicals know the realities of a multi-racial environment.

It’s important that Evangelicals understand the concerns of pro-Whites/White Nationalists when it comes to race. At the heart of the White Nationalist or pro-White movement is the belief that White people (read: people of European descent) have the right to survive just as any other human group. Pro-Whites feel much about White people as Evangelicals do about Jews. Pro-White’s feel that White humans have legitimate group interests (just like Jews, Africans, Asians) and are entitled to spaces and institutions to pursue these interests (just like Jews, Africans, Asians do today). Pro-Whites feel that the glories of Western Civilization are due to the people who made up that civilization and not to any doctrines or political-economic systems.

On the subject of spirituality/religion, pro-Whites/WN tend to have a plethora of beliefs. While I’d say the majority of pro-Whites/White Nationalists would identify as Christian, most are not as interested in spiritual matters as they are political. There are also a large percentage of people who pray to the pre-Christian European gods and would roughly be described as “pagan.”  There are also people who identify themselves as atheists or agnostics. This author recognizes a supreme creator that would be equivalent to what Christians would call “God the Father.”

The biggest point of contention between the two groups would probably be the subject of Jews and Israel. Pro-Whites/WN point out that Jews have been at the forefront of debasing Western culture, to include eliminating Christian influence from public spaces. Probably the best book written on this subject is “Culture of Critique” written by Dr. Kevin MacDonald (1). I suggest that all Christians in America and Europe read this book to understand the pro-White/WN point of view on Jews. There are parties with White Nationalism that see Jews as the sole actors behind the decline and degeneration of the West. Of course, the situation is not that simple but Evangelicals need to recognize that their understanding of Jews is just as oversimplified.

Of course, Evangelicals will argue that the Bible commands them to support Israel.  Usually Genesis 12 is quoted to support this (2). Christians must understand that after the crucifixion of Jesus that the way to the Father is through Jesus.  When Jesus died on the cross Jews were no longer “God’s chosen people.” Jesus rejected most of laws of the Old Testament and stood up to the highest Jewish authorities. For most of Christian history, “Israel” was understood as Christ’s Church. It’s only due to the creation of the Scofield study Bible that this got reinterpreted to what you recognize today. The man who wrote this Bible (CI Scofield) was a con-man who was funded by Zionist forces in the late 1800’s (3).

I realize that when it comes to the matter of Israel that it isn’t going to matter what I write or show you, which is why it’s best to agree to disagree and to concentrate on issues we agree on. From a practical political perspective I believe that pro-Whites and Evangelicals can come together on the issue of freedom of association. Just as Pro-Whites/White Nationalists demand the right to form communities and institutions to pursue White interests; it’s also the case that freedom of association would benefit Evangelicals as well. Freedom of association and increases in the power of local government means that you can have spaces and institutions that reflect your values and beliefs. Pro-Whites/WN may not have the same vision of what a healthy society would be like, but we’re not going to deny you your right to have such a society.

I also feel it my duty to warn Evangelicals about the so called “rapture” that many of you are waiting for. According to your narrative the anti-Christ will take up control of the world before the real Jesus comes back and deposes him.  Be careful that the globalist elites don’t try to play out this narrative to get you to accept global government. For example, the globalist elites can easily present the first (anti-Christ) and second (Christ) end times “savors” because this is the narrative that you’re waiting for. The globalist elites have technology that we know nothing about. Don’t be fooled by signs and wonders because these signs and wonders could be made by technology.  You also need to understand that the “end times” doctrine that you follow was not perched for most of Church history.  This doctrine was also the product of the Scofield Bible, so be warned that this information was produced by some very far sighted people that may intend to carry out the narrative that Scofield presented. Also, think about how many of the big time Evangelical preachers predicted the end times only to be wrong.

While I don’t think we’ll ever see eye-to-eye on spiritual matters, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is what we do agree on. A good, solid base for a relationship between pro-Whites/WN and Evangelicals is the issue of freedom of association. I’ve had many close friends over the years who are Evangelicals so I feel I must say again to not be fooled by so called “end times” events. And If the day comes when large White beings (4) descend on the earth and proceed to throw the globalist elites (including many big name Evangelical preachers i.e. John Hagee) into a pit of fire, DO NOT RESIST THEM!!!  If these beings are indeed the forces of Satan, then Jesus will take care of them himself (He doesn’t need your help). Don’t fight on the behalf of people (The globalist elites [5]) who only see you as bunch of pawns. You might be serving Lucifer without even realizing it (6).

God bless you and your families.

Here’s an excellent article on the Scofield Bible:







How Whites Took Over America Part 2

Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrims

The Pilgrims Society

The following post below got removed from Counter Currents Publishing. I don’t know why?

“Race is obviously critical in the WN/Pro-White worldview and organizing principle. We need to talk more about what the concept of “Whiteness” really means. But I still wonder what it is that lies beyond that?  Here are some situations to consider.


Let’s say tomorrow the Anglo-American elites, which belong to an organization like this one (1), come and call a big meeting with the White Nationalist community and offer this. They offer to give White Nationalists a high level authority over 67% of the geographic space of America. They offer to give Whites the power over media, politics, popular culture, with even more power than people suppose Jews to have today. They offer to change the living locations for all non-Whites (from this 67% of the country) except in a few major cities throughout “middle America” where international commerce is conducted.  We’ll say 67 present of the country is under “White Law.”




Everybody has to take a chip in their bodies to be tracked by organizations owned and ran by the Anglo-American elites (2). I’ll call this #1  “White Nationalist + chip situation.”


Here’s another scenario. An America that has FREEdom OF ASSoCIAtiON along with an end to publicly paid anti-Whiteness.  A more localized political life while setting up economic flows between other traditionalist parties across the world.  Teutons, Russian traditionalists, British nationalists but also Hindus, Japanese, South America indigenous Indians, North American Indians, Chinese Nationalists, Israelis and other Jews who will respect our boundaries. I call this #2 “Traditionalist-Freedom of association” situation.


What situation would you prefer #1 or #2?


I’d take #2.


I wouldn’t be able to accept (for example) the force relocation of the America Indians. Or the forced return of “African Americans” (blacks who are descended from black slaves) to Africa.  I have something that I place above ultimate White racial interests. I couldn’t maliciously fuck over innocent people for my political worldview or metaphysical outlook. Something in my being does not allow me to put racial interests at the very top. 


BUT HERE’S A THIRD SCENARIO!!! #3!!!.  Let’s say some Ubermensch-like, White extraterrestrials land one day and say:


“OK you pasted the test. We made you and put you in this situation with non-Whites to see if you’d let yourselves get wiped out. Since you made it this long; you past the test. Now you Whites must kill off every single non-White and every single Jew in the world. Then we’ll build an intergalactic civilization with us teaching you the mysteries of the Universe while you live as colonists for us laying down our law across the universe.”   I call this #3 the “Ubermensch test for US” situation.


Who would take # 3? 


To the readers, at least just post the number you’d prefer, if you don’t feel like discussing it. Or feel free to discuss your choice.





?    “

End of comment

Original comment was at this story/discussion:

[I did make some spelling and grammatical changes since originally posting this but the ideas remain the same]

Happy Thanksgiving !




Love and Charity on the White Path


As my regular readers know, I am creating a religion for White people known as the White Path (1). My hope is that this religion will become the future organized religion for the majority of White people and be the civil religion of any future White State and/or intergalactic civilization.  In creating this religion, I’ve borrowed certain concepts from other religions. When it comes to the former predominant faith of the West (Christianity), I believe the most critical aspect to borrow from it is the emphasis on love and charity. This essay will cover these aspects in relation to the White Path.

The White Path faith will include “loving thy neighbor” in its set of ideas. The White Path, as a future organization, will take part in charity and when it becomes a State religion will be integrated into the welfare state apparatus. The practitioners of the White Path will be encouraged to serve others. It was this aspect of serving the poor which caused Christianity to spread throughout the Roman Empire. The early Christians served the poor and preached a faith that favored the meek over the powerful. The Christians not only took care of poor Christians, but pagans as well. In an attempt to revive the Roman pagan system Justinian (the last pagan emperor) saw the need for a charity system run by Roman pagan priests. Justinian recognized the power that charity had in creating converts, but it ended up being too little too late for the pagan Romans.

Once White States are established, the White Path will be the main force in caring for the needy. But it gets more complicated in a multiracial environment. This has to be addressed, because at this point it will take some time before White States will become a reality. In a multiracial environment, the White Path will provide charity for Whites. It will concentrate on needy Whites in places like Appalachia.  It will meet with local community leaders and figure out how the White Path can best help that community. Once Americans regain freedom of association, the White Path will help Whites stuck in diverse locations relocate to White communities.  It will run White nursing homes in the large cities of America for older Whites who can’t or don’t want to relocate. It will provide health services for White children and mothers who live in American inner cities under the same circumstances. Once White States form young people will be required to put a year into a national service program that could include working in the charitable arm of the White Path. Before the White States arise, young people might do one year missions (in the White Path charitable arm) similar to how Mormons do.

The more complicated question is regarding non-whites? This author tends to believe that some charity should be extended to non-Whites as well. They wouldn’t have access to all the same services as Whites, but there should be some resources directed towards non-Whites. The need for this charity will be especially necessary once Whites start separating from non-Whites. Blacks in America will be the most vulnerable during this time, so efforts need to be made to assist them in becoming self-reliant as Whites become free of the anti-White system. The idea is to make the transition to freedom as easy as possible for everyone.

The White Path should also be involved in “environmental charity.”  Large projects should be taken on such as cleaning up the Pacific garbage patch. This will require coordination with the scientific community. Cleaning up the environment will be a large aspect of White Path charity.  I’ve written in the past of how the White Path charitable arm should be integrated with the welfare state apparatus. One of the tasks that needy people could perform is cleaning up trash from beaches, parks, fields, lots, roads, etc.  There would also be White Path animal shelters that refrain from killing homeless animals.

Anti-Whites will object to the idea of offering charity to Whites while excluding non-Whites.  Of course, there are many charities and organization that exclude an out-group, but anti-Whites don’t seem to mind them. At four in the morning the Christian TV network features an infomercial for a charity that assists Jews to move out of Russia and into Israel. So if they can do it, so can we. Also, if the White Path only extended its charity to Whites, this is still charity for a large segment of the population. What is more preferable, having White charities or not having White charities?  Obviously having White Path charities is preferable seeing that it results in charity that wouldn’t have existed without them.

Anti-Whites will also claim that the faith (The White Path) could never be considered a religion of love if it advocates for spaces exclusively for White people. This argument is incorrect. Pro-Whites feel an urge, allotted to us by Creator of the universe, to work towards the survival and amelioration of White humans.  There’s no reason why doing this will make anyone else worse off. In fact, because Whites will have an environment designed for optimal White creativity, this will result in large quantities of scientific advancement. While Whites advance, we will pull everyone else up as a result.  So opposing White freedom is opposing advancement for all humans.  This means that anti-racism (besides being a code word for anti-White) is also, by extension, a code word for anti-humanity.

Anti-Whites will also claim that we only want to form White collectives so we can kill everyone and “take over the world.”  This claim may be a bit of projection from anti-Whites but it should be addressed anyway. We on the White Path want to make White people better physically, mentally, and spiritually. While killing other out-groups can potentially improve us in terms of the resources gained, this will result in extreme damage to Whites mentally and spiritually.  Any gain of resources that killing or enslaving large groups of non-Whites will bring, will be thoroughly erased by the trauma caused from all the killing and suffering. Killing people, even for a “just cause,” can and does result in damage to the mind and spirit of the people doing the killing.

We on the White Path advocate for loving other humans (all other humans) but not at the cost of White genocide. We will attempt to alleviate suffering for all people but will not accept forced integration and assimilation. If our “neighbor” is in need we will help how we can but helping doesn’t mean making our own “house” worse off.  What anti-Whites want is for us to open our houses to all and every stranger to plunder and when we point this out they claim we’re “haters.”  We will live by the golden rule in that we will treat others as we wish to be treated. Just as we wish to have institutions and spaces to follow our destines, we will not deny this right to anyone else. For the people (or other beings) who can’t be persuaded to extend to us the golden rule, we will in turn extend to them the Old Testament rule of an “eye for an eye.”

Of course, there will also be White Nationalists who will express great displeasure at my suggestion that we should love all people (yes even Jews) and provide charity to non-Whites. Many of the most offensive White Nationalists are usually agents for law enforcement, intelligence organizations, NGOs (like the SPLC [2]), or individual anti-Whites who just wish to poison our discourse and create an atmosphere of negativity. I’m not expecting to change the most vile characters in White Nationalism, but I do think it’s important to discuss this point for others to think about.

The nature of the universe is consciousness. From quantum mechanics we know that the observer affects the observation. The observer and the observed are connected.  Consequently, hating someone else is hating yourself. While loving someone else is loving yourself.  So for your own well-being it’s better to approach the world from a place of love. Of course, lots of people talk about “LOVE” these days and these people tend to be some of the biggest haters I’ve ever seen. Many so called “anti-racists” claim to be filled with “LOVE,” but then a minute later justify the genocide of White humans. These people’s true source of intent is hate, but this is accepted hate because the current zeitgeist frames so called “racists” as the worst thing anyone can be in the world.  Anti-Whites are correct in pointing out that there are some White Nationalists/pro-Whites who are motivated by hate.  But what these anti-Whites fail to see is that they’re actually no different from the hateful White Nationalists. They just direct their hate at a different target. It’s no mistake that the most successful pro-White/WN leaders tend not to fall into the “nigger bashing” crowd.  They tend to be people who fully appreciate the potential of White humans and are motivated by the desire to see this potential fully optimized. The people who spend all their time discussing the dysfunctions of blacks or the negative qualities of Jews tend to be the least efficacious when attempting to address the problem of the anti-White system.  It’s almost like White survival is secondary to the relief they get by bashing non-Whites?

The White Path’s highest law is its mission allotted by the Creator of the Universe that commands us to guarantee the survival and amelioration of Whites. This author believes that our mission will be more successful if we approach it from a place of love, which includes love for those out of our in-group.



Happy Halloween from SS

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