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Archive for the category “neanderthal”

The Ubermensch vs. the Transhuman




One of the goals of any future White collective should be the evolution of a more advanced human type. This “new man” in the past has sometimes been  referred to as the “Ubermensch.” I will use this term as well. I wanted to describe my own vision for the Ubermensch and where it fits with the White Path (1) religion that I’ve been describing. I want to contrast this Ubermensch with the transhumanist vision that is pushed by the globalist elites and their ideological fellow travelers.

The starting point for my vision of the Ubermensch is with a physical description.  The new man/woman would be a perfect physical specimen. The model for which can be found in athletes and models found in their respective fields today. The real challenging question is how much technology should be used in the creation of such specimens?  This author prefers that while technology can be used, that much of the development of such bodies should still require that the individual work hard to obtain it. The discipline required to obtain a healthy body is part of the reason for obtaining it. While important, the physical attributes of the Ubermensch are really the least significant aspects.

The real importance lays in the mental and spiritual realms. An Ubermensch is a being that exemplifies the 9 noble virtues (2). This is being that can lead people. That has creative and problem solving abilities. This is a being who is highly motivated, but at the same time serene.  This is a being who loves life and who loves the mission allotted to him/her by the Creator (3), but who will gladly sacrifice their life for the good of the mission. This is a being who cares little for material possessions. This is a being that desires mastery in their specialization within the collective White community. This is a being in-tuned with the Force/God and nature. This is a being constantly looking to improve him/herself, while being confident in who they are. This is a humble being. This is a being without ego. This is being whose intentions stem from a positive place (love, goodwill, kindness).

Achieving the Ubermensch will require an environment that could bring this person about.  The White Path will be the most important institution in bringing this being about.  The White Path will include the White gods in its theology that act as models of the Ubermensch. New mythologies will be written (or uncovered) that tell of these beings in action. The practice of meditation and contemplation will be a major part of producing such beings. The educational institutions will also be important in bringing this being about, but this author expects that the White Path will have its own educational institutions just as the Catholic Church does. Physic powers will be cultivated.

If there’s one point that I must make perfectly clear to future persons carrying out my vision, is that you MUST NOT mix the human mind with machines.  There is no reason for a human mind to have the computational ability of a computer. If you need to compute something, use a computer.  Hooking the mind into a computer will allow for outside forces to control the mind. The future White collective community must always keep the mind machine free.

The future White intergalactic civilization will use robots, computers, and androids, but the decision making will always be done by humans with minds not hooked into computers. The concept of singularity (where artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more intelligent than humans) is extremely dangerous. The future White collective must always have an “off switch” for AI and if no “off switch” is possible; then the technology should not be created.

People make the argument that future “enhanced humans” will be able to think, compute, and communicate faster than “non-enhanced humans.”  This is true, but once the human mind is jacked into a central computer, or into a “cloud” of other minds, all human freedom will be lost. It can even start out with good intentions, but if someone can hack into the central computer, then all reality can be controlled by outside forces that don’t have good intentions.  There’s an inventor named Kurzweil who has been pushing this future. His argument is persuasive in that he’s promising immortality. The problem is that his immortality is a false promise.  If our minds get downloaded into computers, what’s to stop someone from smashing the computers?  Wars will occur between cloud-mind entities, which can and will result in computers being turned off.   With the introduction of scalar weapons, whole solar systems will be able to be blown away.

Of course, not everything Kurzweil says is bad. We should pursue life enhancement technologies. We should regrow arms and legs. We should make the blind see and the deaf hear. We should replace bodily organs.  We can even use virtual reality for various uses. But we must not hook our minds up perpetually to computers. Computers also go down without wars; what happens if the computers go down and people are forced to live without them?  Will people be able to cope with life in the real world?

Much of Kurzweil’s motivations come from a fear of death and sadness from the loss of his father at an early age. The globalist elites look for people like Kurzweil to carry out certain aspects of their agenda.  I recall the Jewish, anti-White activist Tim Wise writing about how White Christians supposedly picked on him while he was growing up. People like Kurzweil and Wise are chosen because the pain from their past works as great centers of motivation. The globalist elites have agents who are highly skilled at finding what motivates people and how they can use resentments and personality flaws to contribute to their mission of world domination. Carrying out the globalist agenda gives people like Kurzweil and Wise an outlet for their pain and also makes them very wealthy.  Finding an outlet for pain is not a bad thing in itself. It only becomes negative when you perceive the rejection of your worldview as tantamount to the original source of the pain.

We on the White Path will carry out our Great White Art Project in the form of an intergalactic civilization. At the center of our art is the building of a new man/woman that can one day be called Ubermensch. We will do so with the aid of technology, but will not create a being that is exclusively technological. Our Path will be slower, but more thorough. We seek to improve the folk physically, mentally, and spiritually.  While we do so we will not interfere with the art projects of others. But if you interfere with ours whether by White genocide or by forced transhumanism, then we’ll have to pull your plug. Or perhaps we’ll hack into your computer-minds and make you part of computer games for children to torment?

Oh, and one more thing. I’ve noticed that the transhumanism idea is starting to leak into White Nationalism. The day may come where the globalist elites offer to wipe out the Jews and non-Whites in return for taking their chip in the head and/or hooking up to their computers. Don’t fall for it!  These same elites are the ones who put the Jews and non-Whites on us in the first place.  They’ll gladly wipe most of the Jews (or non-Whites) out to achieve their New World Order.  I repeat, don’t fall for it!!!  There is plenty of room in the universe for non-Whites and yes, even Jews (just not the ones who push White genocide) to pursue their way of life.




Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin; I Salute You


Older leftists sometimes talk about how they looked up to people like John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, or Gandhi back in the 1960’s. Right-wingers talk about Reagan or Thatcher in the same way. They talk about being inspired by these people and felt hope during their time of leadership. Growing up I never had such a person to look up to. During the early 2000’s when I served in the military and for a short while after, I supported George Bush, but never really felt that strongly about him. At that time I was still trapped in the left-vs-right paradigm of American politics, and felt more in common with the right. So I supported Bush out of a general party affiliation. Now I can say for the first time there is political leader that I do look up to and feel inspiration from his work.

After the fall of the USSR, Russia was in ruin. The Anglo-American-Judeo-Illuminati elite quickly oozed into Russia and used their agents in Russia to buy up all the state industries. The people who took control of these industries were mostly Jewish and lived like kings while the people of Russia lived in misery. While these werewolves ran lose throughout Russia devouring the wealth and souls of the Russian nation, the vampires outside Russia made geopolitical moves to control Russia’s periphery.  After George H.W. Bush pledged not to enlarge NATO, NATO grew larger than ever. Western, Israeli, and Saudi intelligence supported Chechen Islamo-terrorists and worked throughout central Asia to diminish Russian influence.

But then out of the despair, doom, and hopelessness of the Russia of the 1990’s, a man arose who slapped the werewolves on the snout, and who shined light in the eyes of the vampires from London, Washington, and New York. This man is Vladimir Putin. I imagine Putin playing a game with the werewolves through the 90’s and acting like the stupid peasant goyim that they thought he was.  I imagine these wolf-men laughing while they drank $10,000 a bottle champagne and bragging to each other as they carved up Russia and lived out their Talmudic fantasies. But there was Putin the whole time laughing along with them while waiting patiently. Then the day came when some of these wolf-men found themselves sitting in cage in Siberia, while others found themselves running from Russia with their wolf-man tails between their legs. It should also be mentioned that Putin gave these werewolves the opportunity to give up their stolen property and to leave the country, but wolf-men like Mikhail Khodorkovsky thought that they could play hardball with Putin. They probably figured that the mighty Juden was unstoppable and that Putin was a minor annoyance if anything.  I imagine Khodorkovsky on the phone with Rothschild saying something like:

“ya boss, this Putin wants to play rough,” Rothschild replies “ Mikhail, don’t worry about that dumb cattle, we’re sending some of our best werewolf lawyers to assist you, not to mention we have the American congress and media in our pocket. Shabbos goy McCain will be you loudest supporter. Don’t worry.” 

In 2008 the vampires and werewolves tried to capture South Ossetia. This mission was carried out by the Georgian military. The purpose was to capture oil routs through the Caucuses and to set up a secure base in which the globalist Illuminati could strike Iran from north later on. It was also an attempt to show the Russians that the vampires could throw their weight around central Asia and that Russia could do nothing about it. Russia surprised everyone when Russian mechanized infantry and armor units swept down and removed the Georgian army with ease. The western press first reported it as being Georgian hostility but then apparently someone must have called them up because they changed the story to an unprovoked Russian invasion. I remember watching an analysis of the battle on CSPAN by an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) panel. I remember Shabbos goy “tough guy” Ralph Peters saying something like “the Russians are basically barbarians who occasionally puke up a genius” (referring to Putin). Shabbos goy Ralph Peters was outraged that someone would defy the Anglo-American-Judeo-Illuminati elite, as was his fellow Shabbos goy John McCain who pushed the narrative of Russian aggression in the Georgian war when it was obvious to everyone who cared to look that the Georgians had started the war.

What Putin has showed the world is that the Judeo faction of the Anglo-American-Judeo-Illuminati elite is not the all-powerful force that White Nationalists claim them to be. Putin fought a different kind of war against these people. It was a war of intrigue and guile. The stupidest thing Putin could have done was try some Nationalist movement with street violence and anti-Semitic propaganda. This is the White Nationalist solution.  This is a loser solution.

I can’t help but laugh whenever I read White Nationalist attitudes on Putin. White Nationalists see Putin passing laws against neo-Nazis in Russia as evidence of him being controlled by Jews. Despite him doing more to damage world Jewry than any man on earth, White Nationalists see him as controlled by Jews. White Nationalists seem incapable of understanding that Neo-Nazis going around beating up non-Whites does nothing to help the survival of White people. Violence committed by Neo-Nazis in Russia brings about attention from Western Intelligence backed NGOs and then Western media who try to frame Russia as being “racist.” The only people who support Neo-Nazis in Russia (besides White Nationalists) are the globalist elites who would love if such a movement grew in Russia.  This would be a perfect narrative for the “anti-racist” West to attack Russia in the name of “tolerance” and “multiculturalism.” White Nationalists also see the presence of Jews in Putin’s cabinet as evidence that Putin is Jewish controlled. Here again, White Nationalists get caught in liner thinking. If Putin threw every Jew out of government, he would be targeted by NGOs as “anti-semantic.” The American Judeo-controlled rightwing would be jumping up and down for war with the “neo-fascist” Putin who would be presented as the anti-Christ himself. And while this may be sacrilege in White Nationalist circles to say, it could also be possible that these Jews see their own interests as being more aligned with Russia than they do with world Jewry or the globalist elites?

What’s particularly absurd is how the mainstream rightwing in America have been programmed to hate Putin. If anything, Putin is closer to the average rightwing American in worldview than the Jews who run the GOP. Putin isn’t going to allow Christian symbols and holy places to be desecrated and disrespected by scum under orders from the globalist elites. One technique in black magic is the defilement of sacred symbols. When sacred symbols can be disrespected without any repercussions, this decreases the power of the symbols. Putin isn’t going to allow crosses to be put in jars of urine in the name of art (as was done in the US with public tax money). Putin knows that a healthy society needs sacred symbols and beliefs, and is doing more to protect such symbols and beliefs than any American Conservative certainly is. Putin also outlawed gay marriage and over-the-top gay expressions in public. Shabbos goy John McCain pointed to this as evidence (1) of how bad Putin is when the base of McCain’s own party would overwhelmingly support the same measures in the United States. In response (2) to Shabbos goy John McCain’s recent hit piece towards Putin, Putin pointed out “that Europeans are dying out in part because of societal acceptance of gay relationships” (3). This statement shows that Putin has concern for the issue of European (White) survival. Somebody should ask Shabbos goy McCain if he cares about “Europeans dying out?”

During the globalist elite’s recent attempt at starting another war in the Middle East, Putin used John Kerry’s words to broker a peace deal between Syria and the West. Here too he runs circles around world Jewry who desperately need a war against Syria to maintain Israeli hegemony over the long term. Shortly after this happened, I was watching the O’Reily Factor on FOX news.  The guest was Shabbos goy Laura Ingram and she made it clear that Obama wasn’t up to task of taking on Putin. O’Reily said that the Obama regime was more worried about Tea Party extremists, when it was Putin who was “the real extremist.” I could sense a level of desperation in the conversation between O’Reily and Ingram and it was clear that the Judeo elite faction of the globalist elites don’t know what do about this man.

What America needs is an American Putin. This American Putin would concentrate on attacking globalist elite power in America. He or she would go after their banks, their media, and their networks within the American government.  At the same time, to get the population on his/her side, he/she would invest money on internal infrastructure projects that would reduce unemployment. This President would push for freedom of association, which would greatly damage the program of White genocide (see page above)  being pushed by the globalist elites. To get the blacks on board for supporting freedom of association, he/she could offer a reparations payment. So as Whites (everybody really) regain the right to live in communities and/or have institutions for themselves, blacks would be paid a lump sum that would assist them during the evolution to a truly free America. The only affirmative action that would exist would be in the federal government. This American Putin should be a veteran, married with kids, around 45-50 years old, from the mid-west, a Christian, and not a lawyer. Just like the Russian Putin, this America Putin will need to be incorruptible in his/her commitment to the America people and the fight against the globalist elites. He/she should openly discuss the global oligarchy and their plan to create a New World Order.

So with that said, I say “I salute you” Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Let no one say that it is impossible to take on world Jewry and win. Putin has taken on world Jewry and come out on top. He could have been a good little Shabbos goy and been richer than he is today. But he wanted more out of life than money. He couldn’t watch his Russians being exploited by a group of satanic international manipulators. Of course, there’s another force behind world Jewry that is even more dangerous than them. I expect we’ll see more Putin-esque men (or woman) come to the surface as the fight against the powers of darkness moves forward (if you thought Russia guile was impressive, wait to you see the Teutonic kind 😉 ). The Anglo-American-Judeo-Illuminati elite’s order is about the fall into a pile of dust, and when this story is written, Putin’s work will be a major contributor to the size of the dust pile.




IntuitiveHeartHealer is anti-White

There’s a woman on YouTube who goes by the name “IntuitiveHeartHealer” (1) that claims her purpose in life is to “spread love” (red flag alert) throughout the world.  She says that she supports White survival, but thinks that fighting White genocide is really just a pretext for us to take over the world.  In her comments at YouTube she says she’s “really grown in distaste” for pro-Whites.

The reason for her distaste is obvious; we’re the first entity out of the pro-White/White Nationalist struggle who are actually threatening the anti-White system. Anti-Whites like “IntuitiveHeartHealer” liked it better when there was an ex-con standing in a white robe in front of city hall yelling “look out nigger the Klan is getting bigger”(2).  But now that a message has appeared that explains the dynamics of White genocide clearly and succinctly (along with a group of adepts who are skilled at disseminating it), she’s “grown in distaste.” It was much easier when the anti-Whites could just infiltrate someone into a White nationalist organization (3) and try to discredit them as a group with offensive and/or illegal behavior. With a consistent message, it doesn’t even really matter who says it (even “wounded” people as IntuitiveHeartHealer claims us to be); if it’s the truth, IT’S THE TRUTH!

And the truth is that only Whites are expected to be forced diversified with non-Whites, and only Whites are denied spaces and institutions of our own for the pursuance of our own destinies. Africans, Asians, Jews, Arabs, etc are not denied this right. Only Whites are; it’s genocide.

Intutivehearthealer is anti-White.  She claims to support the right of White survival, but this is only to maintain credibility while she advocates for the survival of her own group (4). She claims she supports the right of Whites to survive, but then attacks and slanders the people and methods that make White survival possible (i.e. Pro-Whites and the message against White genocide).

If IntuitiveHeartHealer wants to heal someone’s heart, she should start with her own and then move on to others whose hearts have been poisoned by the Talmud.  Her claim that we want to “take over the world” is most likely the product of what one of her probable heroes (Freud) labeled “projection.” Her so called “love” is for the people who bow down to the rule of people like her, while anyone who objects to their rule is a “naziwhowantstotakeovertheworld.”  If she wasn’t so blinded by fear and hatred, she would see that pro-Whites offer an opportunity to address the issue of White genocide before the conditions  arise that really will lead to a full-scale Nazi-esque political movement.




(4) Which she deserves credit for, many of her people have no problem with openly denying Whites survival while advocating strongly for their own. This celebrated trait is referred to as “Chutzpah.”

The anti-White SPLC “reports” on Bob Whitaker and the White Rabbit.


The genocidal hate group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center finally came out with a report on White Rabbit radio and Bob’s Underground Graduate Seminar after years of hoping preying to their Talmudic god Satan that they (FTWR and BUGS) would just go away. As one would expect,the report is full of errors and blatant attempts at creating negative narratives about those who traffic in the message against White genocide. Besides getting the White Rabbit’s age and former occupation wrong, they also reported that he lived in his parents basement. This author at first rejoiced at reading this but then was disappointed when the White Rabbit set the record straight on his July 3rd episode of Endgame Exotica (he does not live in his parents basement). Had this been true it would have corresponded with the old prophesy, where it is written:

A man will rise from deep within the cellar of his birth giver’s abode that will spark the flame in which White humans will overcome the forces of anti-White darkness. (author unknown)

For a moment, I thought the White Rabbit was the One in the prophesy, but it appears that the “cellar dweller” is yet to appear? The truth of the matter is that the White Rabbit’s mother has a terminal illness and he moved back with his parents to help with her care. If he had been an anti-White activist, the same organization would present him as an honorable, and selfless man who cares for his sick parents while fighting “racism.” But since he opposes White genocide,anti-Whites in the comment section of the SPLC report frame him as a “loser.”

The anti-White SPLC also attempted to analyze the characters on the White Rabbit radio website.They claimed that the “Red Hippo” was supposed to represent Jews. This falsehood must have been a covert money raising tactic to scare wealthy Jews into sending in more money? The truth of the matter is that the “Red Hippo” is a representation of the anti-White/New World Order or “Illuminati” god. The Red Hippo is Satan, or Lucifer, or Set, or perhaps Enki. He’s definitely not a representation of “the Jews.” In fact, the White Rabbit has been really the only voice in the White struggle to present the idea that the Jews aren’t the ones running the whole anti-White/NWO program. Again, the researchers at the SLPC are either incompetent, or just lying. If they’re not lying for the money, they’re probably just trying to create a simple narrative that the average anti-White can follow (anti-White activists are simple minded people who don’t think very well for themselves).

The anti-White SPLC then attacked Bob Whitaker. They brought up that he was a recovering addict and forwarded doubts on his involvement in bringing down the USSR. Of course, if Bob was a recovering addict and an anti-White activist, he would have been praised as a brave man who overcame his past demons by working to better the world as an “anti-racist” (“anti-racist” is a code word for anti-White). Because he works for the survival of Whites, he is portrayed as a very bad man whose work will and/or has cause violence against non-Whites. The SPLC brings up acts of violence that they connect to BUGS and the Mantra, while having the chutzpah to ignore the fact that the same allegations could be directed at them(1).

What really is the SPLC? It’s like this: the anti-White globalists (who are working towards global government with them at the top of the pyramid) can’t have an explicit government organization that cracks down on pro-White dissidents. So what they do is outsource the job to a tax exempt, non-government organization. This is no different than the US government outsourcing certain covert intelligence functions to private contractors or international NGOs (see “National Endowment For Democracy”). This allows them to have a capability, but at the same time deny responsibility or involvement.

The people who work for the SPLC must be some of the lowest character people in the world? They call people’s neighbors, jobs, and schools and try to disrupt their lives by getting them fired from their jobs or thrown out of school. It doesn’t matter if the people they target go out of their way to denounce violence. They’ve also tried to get children removed from their parents. I can’t help but to wonder if these people don’t ever think about the negative energy they produce around themselves? Are they that drunk with hate and power that they forget about the karma that they’re generating? In the past I speculated on the possibility of high concentrations of neanderthal genes being the cause of such behavior (2).I can’t help but to wonder again if this is not the case? These people do Satan’s work on earth and I would not want to be connected to the SPLC when Santa Claus comes back to town(3).Because Santa IS coming, in some form (4), and Santa knows that they have been VERY naughty. And this time is coming soon.

white rabbit time





Mad Men Series End Hint

In my review of the AMC series Mad Men, I predicted that the series would end with Don Draper (Dick Whitman) jumping from his office window (1). Sometimes the creator and writers of Mad Men throw in hints of this ending throughout the series. The first episode of season 6 had one such hint. There was scene where Don Draper is trying to sell his advertising idea to the executives of a Hotel company with a location in Hawaii. The phrase he pushed was “The Jumping Off Point.” This was in reference to a hotel in Hawaii. The hotel executives all thought it sounding like “death.” This was a hint that “jumping off” was related to “death.” The series will end with Don Draper jumping to his death. Don Draper (Dick White-Man) is supposed to be symbolic of the fall of the White man (the Whitman). Read my review linked below for more details.


The Oldest Enemy

While Snout Smack is tame compared to many political websites, it still deals with intense subject matter.

Race, war, global elites, religion, extra-terrestrial life, are intense subjects that increase the fear response in others (especially people who don’t think for themselves very well).   While I have the solace of knowing that I don’t advocate violence (see “non-Violence” page at top of blog), I am officially “toning down my rhetoric” in recognition to the increasingly challenging times ahead for those on earth.

The world is probably headed for WWIII right now? Police state measures are increasing.  Racially polarizing politics are intensifying. Unemployment is not decreasing.  Globalist elites are under more pressure.  People are on edge.

For example, I wrote an article on the anti-White activist Tim Wise called “Neanderthal Tim Wise Asserts that Whites are ill-suited for economic hardship.” (1)  I do believe that the individual in question is a destructive genocidal animal.  But the problem with the article is that it contains a bit of meanness in which I almost label the whole Jewish human group as animals (or as being less human than whatever level human-ness I perceive myself as).  There are a few other articles or parts of articles on this site that have this quality and even a bit of recklessness in them(most of these were written in the earlier days of SS).

I feel the earth is headed for a stressful time.  Snout Smack will be careful to not inject any more unnecessary stress and/or negative vibrations into the medium. I will continue to write provocative, mysterious, and educational articles, but will give an honnest effort at being more positive and will even attempt to find  common ground with groups that are sometimes framed as being the “opposition.”

I encourage other pro-White or “White Nationalist” websites or media outlets (and those who comment on these sites) to think a little harder on how you can tone down the overly mean-spirited or overly judgmental writings.  The people we should judge are those who advocate and carry out the system of White genocide (see page above labeled “Program for White genocide”) and who work to enslave humanity into a “New World Order.”  One should not make unnecessary enemies out of whole groups of people who might under most circumstances find common cause with us.

Blacks are not the enemy.

Jews are not the enemy.

Leftists are not the enemy.

Freemasons are not the enemy.

Muslims are not the enemy.

Homosexuals are not the enemy.

Illegal Immigrants are not the enemy.

Kosher-Christians are not the enemy.

International Financiers are not the enemy.

Interdimensional reptilian beings are not the enemy.

The only people who could be considered an enemy are the anti-White, globalist elites (or those who advocate for and carry out White genocide and the New Wold Order).  But even this is an illusion.

The fact is, fear is the only enemy we need overcome.  Overcome this enemy (the oldest enemy) and all other obstacles will seem easy to surmount.


RAMZPAUL points out that “anti-racism” is really just a code word for anti-White

Make sure to visit RamZPaul’s website at my blogroll.

Mad Men: A Jewish Fantasy Indulged In

The AMC television series Mad Men takes place in the early 1960’s and is centered around the advertising profession on Madison Avenue.  The show’s main programming purpose is to convey to the viewer how terrible and backward life was when White gentiles (especially White gentile men) were the dominant cultural and political force in America.

The show is written in typical “Culture of Critique” (1) form in that it portrays most of the White gentiles as crude, ignorant, “racist,” sexist, materialistic, deviants with no redeeming human qualities.  The show goes to great lengths to push these themes and appears to rely heavily on the book “The Authoritarian Personality” as its guide to White gentile representation (2)?

Every episode is full of over-the-top examples of White gentiles living in their “madness.”  Sexually repressived housewives shooting birds in suburban backyards; White men singing in “black face;” crude jokes at the office relating to plane-crashes and other tragedies; husbands raping their wives, constant adultery; littering; and a plethora of “racist” and bigoted comments that are intended to traumatize the viewer while teaching White guilt and self-hatred.

The main character is Don Draper. Draper is the creative director of his advertising company and is skilled with words and in “creating happiness” in the minds of consumers.  Don is supposed to be symbolic of the phoniness and plasticity of White gentiles and White gentile culture.  In fact, we learn late in the first season that Don Draper isn’t even his real name. His real name in “Dick Whitman” (read Dick White-man) and he elected to take on the name and life of Don Draper to get him out of service in the Korean War.  One of the subthemes of Mad Men is the idea of “hiding in plain sight.”  The idea here is that while White gentile society looks attractive and sounds pretty on the surface, the reality is that it’s very sick and demented underneath.

The second most important character on Mad Men is Peggy Olson.  Peggy’s main programming purpose is to show the viewer how difficult it is succeeding in a world dominated by White gentile men.  She does the work but the White gentile men take the credit.  She gets pregnant in the first season after being taken advantage of by one of her White male superiors in the office.  Peggy has been styled as the Virgin Mary (3) and this stylization of her as the Lady Madonna is a peek into the minds and souls of the writers and creator (Mathew Weiner) of Mad Men. Peggy gave up her baby in Mad Men and this is most likely what the writers/creator of Mad Men wished the actual Virgin Mary did with her baby.

Another significant character is Joan Holloway.  Joan is a secretary/office manager who wants very much to live a traditional woman’s role.  She wishes to get married to a good man and have a family. She even scoffs at the other women’s desires at having careers. The writers of Mad Men constantly show Joan’s life as being one of disappointment.  She’s married to man who appears good (a handsome doctor) on the surface (back to the “hidden in plain sight” theme) but really is a moron who rapes Joan and ultimately leaves her to serve in Vietnam (not out of a sense of service but because he feels important and more masculine as a soldier).  The programming purpose with Joan’s character is as a warning to White gentile women that the traditional role of women will always lead to disappointment.

All of the major characters on the show are White gentiles.  But in the small roles where we do see non-Whites these characters are portrayed as honorable and wise.   The Jewish characters are very likable, level headed, and have positive human qualities.  In the current season Peggy’s boyfriend “Abe” shows Peggy (and the viewer) what real love and romance is, which is a contrast to the White gentile men on the show who only know how to use and abuse women.  One aspect this writer was impressed by was the honest portrayal of Jews as being highly involved in the revolutionary political movements of the 1960’s. This is true historically, as the 1960’s political and intellectual movements were led overwhelmingly by Jews (just as their grandfathers did during the Bolshevik revolution and Wiemar Period in Germany[4]).

While the major programming purpose of Mad Men is to program the viewer into believing that life was unbearable when White gentiles were the dominant force in America, the show also has a hidden overarching theme that is revealed to us in the opening credits.  This theme is the idea of the “fall of the White man” (the fall of the “Whitman”).  The opening credits shows a figure that looks like Don Draper/Dick Whitman jumping out of his office window (see video below). This White man falling is symbolic of the show’s overarching theme.

Snout Smack also believes that this scene is a hint into how Mad Men will end as a series. Snout Smack predicts that Mad Men will end as a series with Draper/Whitman jumping out of his office window when his past catches up to him and he can’t run anymore.  This series finale will come as a “surprise” to viewers of Mad Men and they will be “astonished” and “awestruck” at an ending that was “hidden in plain sight.”

This idea of the “fall of the White man”  is purely an anti-White, Jewish fantasy and one they’ve had the luxury of indulging in due to the Jewish cultural and political dominance of the last 50 years (in which domination of Hollywood is a critical part [5]). Unforchantly for Mr. Weiner (the creator of Mad Men) and his brood of sorceress writers (and others of their ilk) this period of Jewish cultural and political dominance is coming to end.  Just like a bad television show, the time of Jewish cultural and political dominance is about to get CANCELED.  And the Dick White-Men of this earth (and possibly others in the Universe [6]) are going to do the canceling.







Neanderthal Tim Wise asserts that Whites are ill suited for economic hardship.

In this video the anti-White, genocidal maniac (1) Tim Wise asserts that Whites are ill-suited for the economic hardships we’re currently experiencing (hat-tip to Mindweapons in Ragnarök (2)).

Of course,  this claim can be easily disproven with a thought experiment.  Think about where you’d want to be if the global economy collapsed tomorrow?  East LA?  Compton?  Detroit?  If there’s ever a people you’d want to be around if things go bad it’s Whites.  I can’t think of a natural disaster in my lifetime where Whites acted as blacks and/or Latinos acted?  Even the poorest, most uneducated White trailer park would probably be safer (and have more survivability) than most of the black upper middle class neighborhoods around Washington DC.

It is true that Whites will have to toughen up and find new meaning beyond the easy credit based, crass-materialism that we’ve lived for since WWII.  I for one welcome this new paradigm.  Neanderthal Tim Wise on the other hand sees this new paradigm as very dangerous to his team’s goal of White genocide.  When the economy is doing well, Whites are less likely to pursue their ethnic interests.  When things go down hill, Whites will start acting like everyone else and this scares the anti-White globalist pig-dogs that Neanderthal Tim Wise works for. So he’s prepping the discourse battlefield for this new paradigm by claiming that pro-White activism is the result of loosing “White privilege.”

Some of you are wondering why I call the anti-White, genocidal maniac Tim Wise  “Neanderthal.”  For this answer I refer to the work of Dr. Michael Bradley.  Bradley wrote several books on the subject of Neanderthal interbreeding with Cro-Magnons.  He discovered that the highest concentration of Neanderthal-human intermixed genes was the location of the early semitic and later Khazar populations.  Here’s a quote from his website:

This other contending subspecies originated in what I call the “Toxic Lozenge”, a narrow elongated area extending from the Rift Valley lakes of Tanzania, Kenya and southern Ethiopia to the northern Caucasus Mountains. This Toxic Lozenge therefore encompasses the geographic epicentres of both Homo habilis and later Neanderthal development. This Toxic Lozenge is also the original homeland of the Hamitic languages and the later seemingly related Semitic ones.

Note that Ancient Egypt was well to the west of where this Toxic Lozenge crosses the Red Sea between Jiddah and Medina in Arabia – an area now called Hijaz and/or Yemen but known as Saba (biblical “Sheba”) in ancient times – the very place where the first evidence of the Hebrew language has been discovered and where Islam was also later conceived (see Queen of Sheba and Biblical Scholarship by Dr. Bernard Leeman much further down on this website).

Physically, this subspecies is characterized by very great nasal development, extreme hairiness in males, long torsos and short legs, extremely high numerical and spatial intelligence, very little visual artistic ability, a low level of emotional stability, fanatical monotheism, anti-feminism and a predisposition to control, enslave or exterminate “ordinary humanity”. There is some fairly recent anthropological evidence (1990-1991, see “Homo Georgicus” on Wikipedia), coming from the Caucasus Republic of Georgia, that this subspecies may derive from Homo habilis, through the Neanderthals and on to modern living representatives.

However, not all anthropologists agree that Homo habilis should be considered fully “human” as that term is rather loosely defined, but was possibly an aberrant offshoot of either Homo or Australopithecus (see Esau’s Empire I on this website).

That is, people deriving from this Toxic Lozenge in ancient times may not be exactly human and certainly seem to be incompatible with the values and attitudes of “ordinary humanity”. However, recent historical migrants into the Toxic Lozenge represent mostly ordinary African humanity.

Much more important than physical traits, the aggression of this subspecies is responsible for its expansion from its original Toxic Lozenge both east and west to inhabit most of the “Middle East” (especially mountainous regions) and even parts of Europe, western India and northern and eastern Africa, imposing its religious and social values. In short, the people of this Toxic Lozenge have gradually driven a wedge of perhaps “not-quite-human” genes and culture between the ordinary humanity of the West and the ordinary humanity of the Far East. And this wedge has been inexorably expanded by well-known historical events from 5600 BC to the present. Despite the incessant propaganda and disinformation promulgated by this subspecies, adherence to Judaism, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-Islam are the symptomatic indications of its biological expansion and/or cultural influence. (3)

I first heard of the Neanderthal-Jewish Connection on Horus the Avenger’s Follow the White Rabbit (found in my blogroll).  I wasn’t convinced but I went ahead and read Bradley’s work.  I then thought about how truly unstable and hateful Jews are towards the other (especially Whites).  If you think about the most hateful elements within the White Nationalist movement, there does seem to be a certain element that appears dissatisfied with their lives. This can cause resentment and hate.  These people generally don’t have much influence within White  nationalism and actually embarrass many people within the pro-White movement.  The more influential pro-White leaders are generally not hateful and they tend to be soft-spoken and respectful.  Jared Taylor, Kevin Macdonald, Bob Whitaker, Richard Spencer, James Edwards are generally nice people.  Even the notorious David Duke, a man who is portrayed as “pure hate,” is actually a rather kind-hearted, even tolerant person.

Now think about the leadership or people of influence in the anti-White crowd.  These people are seething with hate.  Tim Wise, Noel Ignateiv, Abe Foxman are all extremely unbalanced and pouring out with hate.  These people have plenty of economic opportunities and status but their hate is equal to or greater than the most resentful prison skinhead types.  I think the Neanderthal thesis may be on to something in explaining this?  The hate from these people is not caused from dissatisfaction with their life’s situations; it’s caused from their DNA.  THEY CAN’T HELP IT!   In fact, as Micheal Bradley explained above they might not be “exactly human!”  What this means is that we’re dealing with beings who may be genetically structured to have heightened levels of in-group loyalty.  What’s “good for the Jews, may mean “what’s good for the Neanderthals?” After becoming aware of this it also sheds new light on Dr. Kevin Macdonald’s work (4).  I do wish to point out however that even if the Jews are the most Neanderthal filled people on earth, that they’re still entitled to their own living space to live life according to their interpretations of the universe.  Snout smack does not support genocide…even of heavily neanderthal Jewish beings who rely on the Talmud as their Holy book.  All intelligent beings have the right to their own destinies but they don’t have the right to rule over other being’s destines.

I highly recommend that readers go to Michael Bradley’s site and read what he wrote (he also has two interviews linked that he did with Michael Collins Piper that you should listen to).  Readers should also listen to Follow the White Rabbit episode # 51 for a good introduction to the Jewish-Neanderthal thesis.  You should also check out this article on the subject of the Jewish neanderthal thesis by the Barns Review (5).

***Update: Here’s an article from the BBC about a Jewish woman tracing back her neanderthal roots(6).  This article came out in April 2012.  I wrote this blog post in Oct 2011.  WHAT OTHER FUTURE PROJECTIONS AND SPECULATIONS WILL COME TO PASS THAT SNOUT SMACK HAS WRITTEN ABOUT???  I suggest you make Snout Smack part of your daily (or at least weekly) reading list. I also HIGHLY recommend you follow the White Rabbit (found in my blog roll), which is my source for many of the issues that I write about at this site.  








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