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Archive for the category “WWIII”

Solve the race problem, fix the elite, this will lead to world peace

freedom of association is love for the other

I don’t think there can be any question at this point that the message against White genocide is spreading rapidly as an unstoppable force of Truth. The message has been reported on by several major media organs online and in print.  The White Rabbit has been a guest on Red Ice radio as well as many smaller internet shows.  Mantra wielding  pro-Whites have regular shows on Rense radio. The White man March was an unmitigated success and every week signs displaying the message are seen popping up across the world from Alabama to Australia. In relation to online news and writings regarding race, internet comment sections are owned by BUGS SWARM.  The quality of the activists involved with the message has grown very high and the anti-White enemy can do nothing but lie and utilize smear methods in reaction to all this.

While this occurs the parties that instigated the program of White genocide are watching their influence wane across the whole of the world. Both the Anglo and Jewish factions of the globalist elite are declining in influence(see link [1] below for an intro into the globalist elites). The Jewish faction is particularly desperate at this time as their actions in the Ukraine and Middle East have demonstrated. The globalist elite’s number one goal is the creation of a global government with them at the top of it.  This must be remembered as events move forward in the future.  Since the message against White genocide is an unstoppable force (being that it’s the Truth), it makes sense that the globalist elites will very likely attempt to direct it to their advantage.  This is something that pro-Whites must keep in mind.

The Jewish faction of the elite will stick with their vision of an anti-White globalist order.  They will continue to push a multi-racial, “pro-America,”  pro-Israel, “Judo-Christian,” neo-conservative type of themed-force.  They’re stuck in this strategy and can’t turn it off after 70 years of moving this way. This group, of course, sees Nazis everywhere and will continue to frame their opponents as being Nazis;  including the Muslims and Russians.  Anyone who objects to forced diversity and White genocide will be called a “Nazi.” This is nothing new, but as events move forward parties within the Anglo-elites will also get labeled as “Nazis” as they split away from their close allies of the last 100 years. People like Alex Jones already make it a point to point out the German background of the British Monarchy and refer to the globalist elite as a “Germanic death cult.”  Jones does a skit, which is actually quite funny, where he dons a lizard mask and talks in a haughty British accent. Jones is in the Jewish faction camp. The Jews will do all they can to convince the Anglo-elites that they’re better off sticking with the anti-White NWO that they’ve been working on for the last 100 years. But as the NWO strategy based on White genocide looks more and more like failure, the Anglo-elites will start looking at new ways to build their New World Order.

After the Jewish faction gets cracked, the Anglo faction will attempt to the ride the wave of antisemitism and outrage over White genocide to craft their new version of the NWO.  Regarding White genocide they’ll swear that “it was all the Jews!, it was all them the whole time!”  They’ll start supporting parties in White Nationalism (WN) more intensely (they already back certain parties within WN and are moving their players in place) and will eventually fashion a White Nationalist themed-force that will include the US, Britain, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. They will offer a truly “White Supremacist” order and allow White men to take out 50 years of anti-Whiteness directed at them onto the non-Whites and Jews.  But since the Anglo-elites have major enemies in continental Europe (especially Germany), Russia, and China, part of the deal will be a world war that will thrust White men in America and the Anglo-sphere against the White men of Europe and Russia (along with the Chinese). If the Anglo-elites somehow win this war the survivors will be chipped in the head and the Anglo-elites will carry out a neo- manorial, transhumanist vision for humanity.

These two groups (Jew and Anglo) represent the two sides of a false dichotomy regarding the race problem. The Jewish faction will claim that if you don’t support their NWO and henceforth White genocide, you’re a Nazi whowantstokillsixmillionjews.  The Anglo faction may set up a racial order that appears preferable to Whites, but will likely include a class-based manorial system straight out of Norman England. Once this gets underway any sort of opposition to their planned world war or their new version of the NWO will get you targeted and  labeled as anti-White or pro-Jewish.  And while the racial situation may seem preferable to Whites, non-Whites obviously won’t care much for it too much.  Of course, over time there’s no reason why the Anglo-elites won’t decide to use the bad energy from (for example) 100 years of a White Supremacist system to flip the tables once again on Whites and allow the Jews to slip in and carry out a global Bolshevik revolution of non-White on White.  The race problem will be presented as a choice between either White genocide or White supremacy?  But the fact of the matter is that THERE’S NO REASON IT HAS TO BE!

The best way forward is an order that is neither White genocide nor White supremacy.   The order of the future is based on choice and respect for the other. The order of the future is separation with cooperation.  In America the policy should be almost total freedom of association.  For example, if 100,000 people of European descent decide they want to reoccupy some old Midwestern town and have community councils to decide who can move in or not, then this is their business.  If the people of a suburban hamlet want public displays of Christianity, then this is their choice. If a group of Jews decide they want a neighborhood in Brooklyn to live according to Old Testament law, then so be it. If a community of multi-cults want to set up housing laws that aim to make it so every home contains at least one non-White and enact edicts rewarding local tax breaks to racially diverse groups of people who skip down the street holding hands on Friday nights, then by all means go ahead.  As long as you don’t prevent others from living according to their preferred way-of-life and you don’t harm children, then there should be no problem. The true sign of pride or confidence in one’s culture, religion, ideology, or ethnic group is the ability to let other cultures, religions, ideologies,or ethnic groups to live in their way without you trying to force yours on upon them. If your way of life is so good, then it will be obvious when other people try to imitate it.  You won’t have to force your way of life on people; they’ll do it themselves. For example, if diversity is so great it wouldn’t have to be forced on people. This policy of chasing down every White human on the planet and forcing diversity on them is an admission that diversity is undesirable. If you have a problem with White people having spaces and institutions of their own then this is YOUR PROBLEM. I guarantee that the Whites who choose to live in exclusively White spaces will not try to stop anybody who desires to live in diversity.

While freedom of association is enacted national programs that assist the poor and marginalized will be increased. Public healthcare is one such program. A student loan jubilee is another idea. While local people will be free to run their own local governments and privately owned enterprises,  federal agencies and publicly traded companies will be made to reflect the larger American population as a whole. Everyone would have freedom of movement on public roads and and all monopoly owning entities (utilities, mail service, etc) would be required to provide service to all.  It may also be prudent to pay out a reparations payment to slave descended blacks to assist them in the transition.  Allowing local people to form and run their own schools, businesses, civic organizations, and media organs under their preferred cultural-ethnic-spiritual frame will relieve pressure and make addressing other issues much, much easier. This system leads to true diversity. People who claim to believe in “freedom” or “choice” should feel a natural fondness towards an order based on freedom of association.

Europeans in Europe are under similar pressure to take in millions of migrants from Africa and Asia.  Here too we see the same dynamic.  Once Europeans are free to make certain areas of the country strictly for their historical populations then they will be much more open to solving the migrant situation.  Perhaps they can work with the migrant’s home countries to figure out what skill sets are needed for training programs.  The Europeans can have parts of their countries that migrants will live in and receive education and build up capital before returning home and building up their own people. Once Europeans are given the same rights and respect as is given to the “diverse peoples” of the non-White world, they will be in a better mindset to solve problems.

The current anti-White order is frustrating, but it’s important that Whites in America and Europe don’t focus their anger at the non-Whites within this current order. Many of these people fled their homes due to wars started by the same elites that push White genocide in our own countries.  The problem is not non-Whites. The problem is the globalist elites.  While the racial order gets set aright in the West, the next issue will be the political-economic order rooted in the Anglo-American world. The so called “Neo-liberal” order of privatization will be decreased immensely. Local economic capabilities and ownership will be encouraged. The “resilient community” (2) economic model is one economic model that would fit well with a new global order based on choice and freedom.  No longer can corporations be allowed to exploit the land and peoples of the world. This issue is understood well by progressives in the West.  Unfortunately these same progressives assist these same corporations by backing mass immigration and anti-Whiteness.  The mainstream right-wing masses in America inherently understand that mass immigration is harmful to their interests, but will support “free trade” and constant warfare in the 3rd world.  What this author wishes to make clear to both sides of the political order is that you’re both supporting and opposing the same elites at the expense of yourselves..

There are three main parties within the current racial dynamic of the world.

1. Elites

2. Whites

3. Non-Whites

Currently the elites have the Whites and the non-Whites against each other. Whites go and bomb non-White lands and exploit their resources.  Non-Whites flood White lands, lower wages, cause havoc (riots, crime, cultural needs), and drain public resources.  How about the Whites team up with the non-Whites and stop the wars and exploitation in non-Whites lands while stopping the forced migration in White lands?  Once people in the West don’t feel under threat by forced diversity and anti-Whiteness and the people of the developing world don’t feel under threat by wars and economic exploitation we’ll be able to truly start solving the major problems of the world (poverty, environment, energy).  Add to the new choice-centered political order the “resilient community” economic model and you get a world that is almost impossible for small groups of elites to take control of it. By creating a system based on choice and local autonomy/capability, you get a system that is resilient to natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and sociopathic elites. Beware of any person or group of people who claim that the answer is to build one giant global bureaucracy, with one set of rules, and one global pop-culture. This is the death of diversity and the road to global despotism and systemic breakdown.  This doesn’t mean we won’t have global standards or international law. If genocide is being committed or disasters occur and the UN votes to intervene, then countries will intervene. But countries won’t be forced to take in millions of refugees and have these refugees force-integrated with them if they don’t want to.

So in summary, the world is about to get more unstable than it has since WWII.  The message against White genocide is working due to it being the Truth.  Don’t allow the globalist elites to ride the energy of awakening Whites (awakening to White genocide) to use it in order to roll out a new version of their NWO.  Do not accept the false dichotomy of either “White genocide OR White supremacy.”  Whites and non-Whites need to be allies and understand the true enemy to be the globalist elites. The fairest system is one based on choice and respect for the other.

Do what is written here and (with God’s grace) world peace will be possible.

Solve the race problem, fix the elite, this will lead to world peace!

God bless the world and peace to all people.

with freedom of association




White genocide ended

Globalist Elites fixed

System and Symbol Implemented


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Santa Claus is Coming to Town


Every December the people in the houses I visit and live near display statues, talisman, figurines, and even shrine type arrangements of a god who comes on Christmas Night.  This god is a god of justice and hope who comes as a savior to those who remained true to the rules of his kingdom.  The King returns to save the people who remained loyal to his laws and also gives the the untrue the burning coals of hell to experience for breaking his laws. Who is this god that I describe; Jesus Christ? It could be, but specifically the being that I’m describing is the one they call “Santa Claus.”

Santa Claus is a fatherly or grandfatherly White man with a thick white beard, usually wearing some sort of clothing to protect him from the elements, and travels in a flying sled pulled by 8 reindeer.  Santa Claus’s archetype is the father god in most of the White mythologies (Norse, Greek, German, Roman).  Santa Claus is Odin (who rode an 8 legged horse), or Zeus, or Enlil. He’s the wise father. He’s the King of the Realm.


The father god has a son. The King has a crowned prince.  Uther Pendragon has Arthur.  Odin has Thor. God the Father has Jesus. Jesus is Thor (they both carry a hammer).   Jesus is Santa Claus’s son.   This god appears three times: 1) he is born (Christmas); 2) he appears in his late twenties-early thirties as Savior (Easter); 3) then he comes back in his “3rd Coming” (although most people call it the 2nd coming) as the father god to dispense Justice as told in the book of Revelation or in the Hindu Texts that discuss the return of the gods during the Kali Yuga. Christmas is the Celebration of the god’s birth, AND the celebration of his return on the Day of Judgment to reward his people and mete out justice to traitors and the untrue.  Easter is the celebration of this man in his late 20’s or early 30’s who acts as champion of the people.  He usually gets killed and then rises from the dead (Jesus, Thor, Conan, Flash Gordon, Arthur Pendragon).  His son takes over his duties and the cycle of father and son repeats itself.


The 3 holidays dealing with the White god(s).

1) Christmas Day: The birth of the White Christ Child (a healthy White male child as a symbol of hope).   The Christ Child comes as “The Sun” in the Tarot.

2) Easter: The White Christ rising from the dead after being executed by the enemies of the Folk (aka the generation of vipers).  The White Christ Savior comes as the “Knight of Swords” in the Tarot.

3) Christmas Eve: The King returns as the Father King god. The great White Father comes as “King of Swords” in the Tarot.

The Cycle then starts again 1-2-3


The story of Santa Claus is an allegory about the return of Odin/Zeus/Enlil on the Day of Judgement. The “kids” in the Santa story represent people on this earth.  The current Anglo-American-Judeo-Illuminati-Globalist-Elites don’t especially look forward to the coming of the Father King God. They are the “bad kids” who worked for Satan or Lucifer or Black Peter.

The following is a short documentary on Santa Claus that I recommend (insist actually) you watch before reading on:

As pointed out in the Santa documentary above, Odin returns to decide who dies and who prospers.  Saint Nickolas would punish kids who had been bad or who “couldn’t demostrate a skill” (perhaps a future Santa will test people to see if they know verses from the Mantra (1)?).

What about this figure of Black Peter?  This is a horned creature with dark features physically.   In several of the myths Black Peter appears to be employed by Santa Claus.  Black Peter is Satan captured by Saint Nikolas (Zeus, Enlil, Odin). In the English myth, black Peter is “seen in the company” of Father Christmas.  Black Peter punishes the bad kids for Santa Claus.  In the HBO series “Deadwood,” George Hearst is a representation of the White Father God in an abusive, proto-fascist, tyrant form. In Deadwood, Al Swearengen is Satan, thereby making him Black Peter in Christmas myth.  In Deadwood Swearengen ends up having to carry out Hearst’s will against his own side (by pushing Alma Ellsworth to sell her gold claim and by ordering the death of the whore “Jen”) to keep Hearst from smashing the whole camp (just as god did back in Saddam and Gomorrah when too many of the kids ended up being naughty).  The Father god makes Satan deal with his own people (the bad kids and kids who can’t demonstrate any knowledge).  Enki had to start a flood against his own kind in the Babylonian mythology.



Now after reviewing the basic mythology of Santa Claus and recognizing the vast amount of material representation he has in the Month of December, we can move to the question of how or where Santa actually exists, or may exist in the universe.

The White Rabbit (see my blog roll) was able to illuminate this author to the possibility of corporeal Nordic White beings that may be the creators of White humans (or all humans). They are large in stature, have level 2 or 3 technologies (2), and may be coming back to earth with knowledge of who has been naughty and who has been nice.   I had heard the ancient astronaut theory in undergraduate archaeology classes, but it was always framed in a way meant to discredit the idea. It wasn’t until I heard the White Rabbit discuss the Anunnaki or “Shinning Ones” that I had the ears to truly consider this possibility. These are highly advanced beings that may have created us for future purposes? Earth could be one large genetics project where these “gods” dropped us so that we would evolve into beings suitable for the missions that they have planned for us?  Just as powerful and capable people think farther ahead in time than less powerful and less capable people, these beings may make plans for 250,000 or million years in the future?   The story of Santa Claus is the story of the Great Nordic King god returning to the earth to free us (from Black Peter/Satan/Lucifer/Enki) and then illuminate us on the mysteries of the Universe.  He’ll give “gifts” to people who were “good,” and punish people who defied Santa Claus’s laws (and those who didn’t try to learn about the mysteries of the universe. These are the kids from the Saint Nick story who couldn’t display any knowledge. Maybe Santa will excuse some bad behavior if you can show you know some sort of critical knowledge? ).  If and when Odin Claus does come back, it won’t be with a sled and reindeer. I would expect some sort of super advanced spacecraft.

When writing about these gods, the lower case “g” is used because they are thought of as taking corporeal form and exist in flesh and bone.  The Highest “God” or “The All” is the ultimate force of creation.  Like humans, the Shinning Ones are part of the All, or part of the God Consciousness, but are not the God, The All, or what the freemasons call the “Architect of the Universe.”  As the White Rabbit says, the Shinning Ones are “something bigger in nature.”  They could be thought of as angelic beings but also come in female form.   They would be more knowledgeable of God/The All than humans would be. They would have the ability to affect time and space and probably consciousness itself.  Their ability to create change and manipulate the elements would appear supernatural to the human masses.  They can throw planet size chunks of rock through space.  They have life extension technology that could allow for thousands to maybe millions of years.  These Shinning Ones may be the reason that the Anglo-America-Judeo-Illuminati-Globalist-Elites are in such a rush to build their New World Order?  Black Peter and his generation of vipers may be doing all they can to prepare for the coming of Odin Claus?  I realize that this perspective on Santa Claus is unconventional. But is it any more unbelievable than what Fundamentalist-Judeo-Christians believe according to their eschatology?  If the Shinning Ones do or don’t exist in the form I described above is yet to be proven. This author gives them a 50-50 chance of being real, but if no Shinning One’s return in the next year (by December 2013), I’ll drop this percentage to a 20-80 chance.

santa hopkins

While it is still unknown whether the White gods exist as the higher beings I described above, psychologically we can point to their existence as archetypes that people can relate to, strive to be like, and learn from.  The archetype of the Father God is a being or force of judgment, authority, and knowledge.  He’s the supreme law lord.  He’s fair but can be cruel to people who oppose his will.   He can be stubborn and given to anger at times.  He’s mostly a hands-off leader who uses his experience and wisdom as a team’s master mind. He’s a coach. He’s a master.  His son Thor/Jesus is the field marshal for the King.   In the BBC TV show “Merlin,” Arthur Pendragon carries out Uther’s orders in the field.  Uther mostly remains in the castle but will take the field when needed.


As already mentioned, The HBO series Deadwood represented this archetype in the character of George Hearst.  Hearst was portrayed as having all the worst qualities of a King of Swords.  He’s brutal, cruel, prone to anger, and absolute in believing that his WILL is Law. The creators of Deadwood are people who don’t care for the Aryan King Father God archetype.  The creators of the HBO show “Boardwalk Empire” portrayed this archetype with the character of “the Commodore.”  The Hollywood magicians are more likely to relate to the archetypes of Lucifer, Enki, Satan, Loki, or Black Peter. They feel a positive connection to the serpent, the horned god, owls, and to chimeras throughout mythology.   Their tarot type is the Devil.  On the “Day We Must Never Forget” the Devil picked “the Tower” tarot card and lightning came from above and turned Joachim and Boaz to dust.


If themagicians who work in Hollywood feel displeasure towards the Father God archetype, it means he’s a symbol of danger for them (in whatever form he exists).  The globalist power structure has directed a lot of social engineering resources into trying to delegitimize the strong father archetype.  The Father god figure epitomizes the “dead white male” that liberals and assorted anti-Whites shriek about and hate.  They fear him because they know they are going to be judged by him (whether this comes from higher beings or “regular humans” doesn’t matter). The Father god King holds the sword of Justice while the horn of Judgment plays overhead. You will know when this archetype comes to life when you see the smashing of the satanic globalist Illuminati order and the ending of the program of White genocide (3).  They will be highly competent, learned,(preferably bearded) White gentlemen, about 60-70 years old, who are skilled at learning critical information on a given situation or individual.  They see 17 moves ahead of the current move. They have vast knowledge of the Force.

The next time you see a figurine or shrine of Santa Claus during December remember who you’re looking at. The image of Santa landing his sled is just as sacred as the Christ child in the manager. Christmas represents the coming of our lord in two ways: the Christ child as a symbol of hope and purity and the Father God as a symbol of Judgment and order. Whether he comes as an advanced White being, or just as a human living out an archetype, we are in the time of the larger cycle where this force of nature is going to return.  The question you need to consider is whether you’ve been naughty or nice?  Because Santa Claus is coming to town.

Hail Santa Claus!!!




Nationalist International

diversikaThis essay will describe the entity that exists in the world today that opposes the Anglo-American Judeo-Illuminati-Elite (AAJIE) (1). The best term I heard for it is “Nationalist International” (as said by the White Rabbit). To begin to understand the Nationalist International, you have to understand the German component.

I’ve written about the entity known as “Nazi International”(2) in the past.  This is basically a continuation of the Nazis after the war.  In many ways using the term “Nazi International” doesn’t do it justice. This Germanic power entity existed prior to Nazism and still exists today in a non-Nazi form. The Nazi era was just one expression this Germanic entity utilized during a time when a mass political movement and large military force was needed. Instead of Nazi International, a better term would be the “Secret Germany,” so that will be the term I use for this essay.

Secret Germany suffered a loss in WWII. The materialist forces of Western Liberalism and Communism won on the field of battle and implemented their way of life on the Teutonic Fatherland and across the West. At this point the Secret Germany had to accept a strategic retreat. Secret Germany split up their Nazi personnel between the Western liberal side and the Communist side.  But they also kept personnel on their side to work on secret technology in South America and Africa. The idea was to create high-technology while keeping the globalist elites at bay long enough to face off again in the future.

Secret Germany has partners. These partners span across the world into most countries. Altogether this group makes up what can best be called “Nationalist International.” This group is made up of Secret Germany, with its strong right arm being Putin’s Russia (and the Orthodox church outside of the US), nationalist forces in China and Japan, certain parties in the Catholic Church, Hindu Nationalists in India, Shia Islam, the Palestinians, leftist forces in South America, along with other Europeans who oppose Anglo-American-Judeo power. There’s also an American faction that would be highly concentrated in parts of the Military-Industrial complex, technology sectors, and the intelligence agencies. The glue that keeps this group together is its opposition to what is commonly known as the “New World Order.”

The so called  “New World Order” is the goal of the Anglo-American-Judeo-Illuminati elite (AAJIE) (3). The idea is to force blend the world under one global government with them (the AAJIE) at the top of pyramid. The administrative hub of the AAJIE is London. The core leadership of the AAJIE is the Anglo Monarchy and Aristocracy, along with their elite relatives in the United States. There’s also a strong Jewish presence that tends to be the most visible element of the AAJIE.  The United States is used as the muscle for the AAJIE. The world is currently experiencing a covert war between the AAJIE and the Nationalist International. This war is being conducted mostly in the political and economic spheres, but can include the use of weather weapons, earthquake weapons, bio-weapons, assassinations, proxy wars, and cyber-attacks.

The Nationalist International is less unified by a common ideology than by a common distaste for the AAJIE. The AAJIE appear to be decreasing in power, so this is resulting in new global political dynamics.  The rise of the BRICs nations indicates that the world is becoming less unipolar. The Nationalist International rejects much of the “Cultural Marxism” pushed by the AAJIE today. The Nationalist International is more “traditionalist” in orientation compared to the AAJIE. They’re not interested in imposing the popular commercial culture that we see come out of Hollywood or New York. The Nationalist international tends to oppose GMO food. Of course, there will be many attached to this group that just see it more in their personal financial or political interests to support this side. Many will see what way the wind is blowing and just jump on board. But at the core this group is more likely to see humans as more than just economic cogs in an economic machine (as the AAJIE do). In relation to the pro-White movement, the Nationalist International would have no desire to push White genocide (which is a current cornerstone of the AAJIE’s world order).

It’s no coincidence that the Germans are the head of this entity opposing the power of the AAJIE. It was a German (Luther) who lead the opposition against the power of the Catholic Church and of course the Germans who opposed the materialist forces of Communism and Western liberalism in WWII. Ultimately it was the Germanic tribes (east of the Rhine) who stood against and finished off the Roman Empire (although the empire was already in decline). The Germans historically have been willing to fight against the most powerful (and tyrannical) political/religious structures on earth. As a result, the Germans are the most slandered people in the history of the world. Because of the threat that they posed and still do pose the AAJIE, they are victims of the greatest lie (4) ever told. This lie is so obviously false that it’s actually illegal to question it in Europe. Despite the years of slander against the Germans, today they are the most liked nation on earth (5).

As the AAJIE start to really fall, I expect them to come out with a really nasty “racist” movement in the United States and across the Anglo-sphere.  This is when you can expect the Anglo elites to throw their Jewish partners under the bus and to tempt the White masses with a White Nationalist revolution. These same forces (the Anglo elites) that push White genocide (see page above titled “program for White genocide”) today, will push an extremely violent “racist” movement when they need it in the future.  As their program of White genocide gets exposed, they’ll try to re-channel the energy of pissed off Whites onto the Jews and non-Whites.  Then they’ll probably try to start a large scale war against the states most connected to the Nationalist International (Germany, Russia, Japan, China). The AAJIE call the Germans “Nazis” today but will be more stereotypically “Nazi” in the future when they need a solid block of Whites to reattain power. Many of today’s most fanatical “progressives” on college campuses will be some of the most hardcore “racists” in the future (it will become “hip”).

The question that gets me is who or what actually sits at the top of the AAJIE hierarchy? If Satan and/or Lucifer really exist in the world, then this is who “the boss” most likely is for the Anglo-America-Judeo-Illuminati-Elites. If so, this means that the Nationalist International (lead by the Germans) is actually taking on the forces of Satan. Could there also be a “god” who also sits at the top of the Nationalist International (6)?







Breaking Bad Report: Season Five episode 14

The episode basically starts with the shootout at the location of Walt’s buried money.  The writers displayed honesty in depicting the shootout so one-sided. Gomez was dead and Hank was crawling towards the shotgun. It was comical that Walt thought that Hank would just “promise” to not go after Todd’s uncle and all would be OK. I give Hank respect for not begging for his life. He died well. Walt fell into tears but he would have never gotten to that point had he quit after he made his first million.  Hank would not be dead had he not pursued Walt after Walt made the the video.

Todd’s uncle was honorable in giving Walt the barrel with 11 million dollars. Todd’s uncle asked Walt is they were “square” and he shaked Walt’s hand. The hand shake appeared masonic, which really didn’t make sense in the context. At that point the neo-Nazis made a huge mistake in allowing Jesse to live. Another major mistake was not picking up the spent casings from the shootout and sweeping the footprints and tire tracks away with a piece brush. Perhaps the Neo-Nazis wore gloves when they loaded their weapons, but regardless they should have cleaned up the area.  Now I’ll get to the major point of this episode, and the show itself.

Breaking Bad is very much about the dangers of the ego. After the neo-Nazis found 80 millions dollars, they should have gotten out of the meth business all-together. I understand Todd wanting to find out what Jesse knew, but keeping him around to cook was stupid.  They didn’t need to cook anymore, they had 69 million dollars. Cooking meth would have been a stupid risk. So here we see a group of people who are way better off than they were before, but who couldn’t stop their criminal activities due to greed and the power of the ego. This theme was found throughout the series.

I’ve covered Walt and Hank’s ego-related mistakes in the past, but this episode showed Walt totally loose his person-hood to his ego.  For the first time in this series, I stopped rooting for Walt. After he took his daughter, and threatened to kill his wife, I found my whole attitude towards Walt change. His wife did overreact with the knife and his son did lie to the police saying that Walt pulled the knife, but what did Walt expect?  Were they just going to go with him to God-knows-where after Walt killed his brother-in-law?

Walt’s whole personality changed during the phone call, not to mention how stupid he was for talking on the phone to begin with. When Skyler rejected Walt’s attempt to get her and his son to go, this made Walt go into an egoistical mental breakdown.  The ego cannot take rejection, and when the ego is rejected it acts out like Walt acted out. Vanity and the need to control can make people murderous. For the whole show I rooted for Walt, but now want to see Walt die.

So what will happen next?  We still haven’t seen the German connection in this half season. I think that Walt will be given the choice between his family and his ego’s need for greatness.  Jesse may end up killing Todd in the meth lab, which will leave no one to cook. The Germans may learn of this (through Lydia) and make Walt an offer that he can cook for them in the greatest super lab ever while they treat him for his cancer.  But in return they may have to wipe out his family to tie up any loose ends?  This is far fetched, but I do believe the German aspect will come and be mind blowing. The bottom-line I believe will be Walt having to make the choice between his family’s lives, and his ego’s need for greatness.  Although I want to see Walt go down, I believe he will choose his ego over his family and end the series alive; therefore truly “Breaking Bad” while he indirectly kills his family.

I’ve wrote this in past reviews but it’s worth repeating. The major lesson from Breaking Bad is that the power of the ego must never be underestimated.  Before Walt even worked for Gus Fring, he had made enough money to leave his family a very nice inheritance. But he didn’t stop, because he wanted more. Now he’s going to lose his family because he wanted to be in the “empire business.”

The world is about to change drastically. Due to the consistent message that came out of BUGS (see my blogroll), one of these changes is going to be a great increase in the power and influence of the pro-White/White Nationalist movement.  When this happens there will be forces that attempt to push pro-White leaders into fucking everything up by appealing to their vanity. So I appeal to these leaders to not fall for temptations to get into the “empire business” or to be “Caesar of the solar system.”  Just accomplish the mission of smashing the anti-White system (see page titled “The anti-White system above) and start working on the amelioration of White humans.  Just like Walter White, you’ll end up losing the family (i.e. White humans) you set out to save,and you’ll cause untold suffering on everyone.

Why 9-11?

Why 9-11?

 Grab and pencil and paper. Add 1+2, then 2+3 then 3+4 , ect, ect until 8+9 and write in the sums above. For example, number 3 is placed above and between 1+2, then 5 is placed above and between the 2 +3, etc, etc.  Keep doing this and you will noticed that it creates a pyramid.  The last two sums in the unfinished pyramid are 576 and 704.  Add 5+7+6 and you get 18. Add 1 and 8 and you get 9.  Add 7+0+4 and you get 11. In numerology, you never add 11, 22, or 33.  They stay as is. You’ll now notice that the sums of the unfinished addition pyramid are 9 and 11.; or 9-11.  (see below for guide)

 The 9-11 attack was planed by the Anglo-American-Judeo elite on that day to symbolize the start of the final campaign to complete their New World Order (tyrannical global government with the globalist elites and their god(s) [Enki, Satan, Lucifer, etc] at the top of the pyramid with us “profane,” “goyim” underneath, chiseled to fit as bricks in the pyramid wall).  The day of the 9 and the 11 represented the beginning of the final phase to complete the unfinished pyramid.   Not 10, but 9 and 11 would be the day that kite-plane-must-hit-steel (1) on the mighty Jachin and Boaz and thereafter the anti-White, globalist, illuminati would complete their mission of global control allotted to them by their god(s) Enki, Lucifer, Satan, etc.

576=18=9 704=11

256 320 384

112 144 176 208

48 64 80 96 112

20 28 36 44 52 60

8 12 16 20 24 28 32

3  5  7  9  11  13  15  17

1   2   3   4   5   6    7  8   9

Of course, some days start off with the morning star shinning bright but end with cold rain and LIGHTNING.


The Return of the High One

he's coming

Electricity shoots through the aether as light blasts from the heavens at 20 minutes past 4 am

Top hat heads rise in horror as judgment gleams and descends upon their souls of darkness

Signs of distress go unheard, hope empties from the brothers of deceit, deception, and duplicity

Invocations to Lucifer turn to lurid shrieks as the goat of mendes lays still with Gungnir protruding from left breast in a field of brown grass

The star of Saturn falls from the sky

Two ravenous wolves maul the lion’s throat; the all-seeing-eye is pecked blind by twin ravens

Feathers fly as the son of Sigtyr smashes the double headed chimerical eagle 33 times with heavy hammer

Flooring of black and white squares is flooded with fluid of red, a charred apron of lamb floats by

Pillars fall flat, a clump of tuxedo clad demon brother’s limbs stick out from under

Beelzebub plunged in a bath of molten brimstone and lava

The light of Fimbultyr reveals the temple of weakness, imprudence, and foulness which with guile previously presented as strong, handsome, and sagacious

The Rúnatýr’s fair daughter soothes the orphans who abound four wicked towns

The first of the witch-queen, the center of evil; the second makes war and laws that force-blend the people; the third stands for mammon, swine and gold feed; the forth makes black magic and named from a tree.

The Sanngetall’s wife sweeps away dust

Dust and more dust as far as one sees

Hiram’s over there, that pile by the tree

The ruffians too, the craftsmen three

Bashed ash, crushed powder, burnt nothin’ they’ll be

Greetings traveling man, “how residue?”

She takes acacia sprig, green leaf smoke smolders

Into the wind she scatters thee

the future of the brothers G

Breaking Bad Report: Season five episode 9

Since WWIII has not began, the final episodes of Breaking Bad have resumed.

Episode 9 begins (after a quick scene in the future) where episode 8 leaves off; Walt’s brother-in-law “Hank” (a DEA agent) realizes Walt is “Heisenberg” due to Walt’s stupidity of leaving a book that is signed and given to him by his former lab assistant “Gale” in the bathroom. Walt acts like he has everything covered (he “is the danger”)but makes a mistake that even a person (me) with no experience in criminal activity (despite what “they” may say about me to everyone I know) can figure out is stupid. Walt’s wife “Skyler” is much more careful but she can’t handle the pressure involved (which is understandable since she has two kids).

Walt’s former associate “Lydia” visits him at his car wash and complains about the quality of the meth being made after he leaves the business. Lydia says she’s “in a box.” Before Season 5 even started last summer (2012) I speculated that the so called “Fascist International” or “Nazi International”(1) would be a part of the story (2). I was pleasantry surprised when season 5 started in Germany with the suicide of a German CEO that was using his company to supply “Gus” with a chemical used to make meth. At this point I think that Lydia is under pressure from the Germans to deliver high quality meth to them. Throughout season 5 there have been little hints at something German behind the scenes. As I’ve been predicting (3), I believe Breaking Bad will depict the “Nazi International” as being involved (although they probably won’t use the phrase “Nazi International”). For what purpose? The purpose is to introduce the meme of a very powerful secret German force operating in the world today behind the scenes.* I expect Walt will come into contact with these Germans and find out who the real “dangers” are.

Walt finds a GPS tracker on his car and figures that Hank probably put it there (they” don’t really do that, do “they”?). Walt visits Hank and confronts him about the GPS tracker. Hank punches Walt out of anger and threatens to put him “under the prison.” Hank tells Walt something like “I don’t know who you are.” Walt says something back to Hank like “if that’s true, you better tread lightly.” Walt is in a pretty bad position. Although he is dying of cancer (and has maybe 6 months to live) if he’s caught, there’s no way his family will be able to keep the money he made. That was the whole purpose of getting into the meth business in the first place. So he has to figure out what to do about his brother-in-law? He obviously doesn’t want to kill Hank, but what if that is the only way he can guarantee that his family will be able to keep the money that he made? Could that be who the ricin was for that Walt is shown retrieving in the first scene of episode 9? We’ll have to see? These final episodes are gonna be good.


*I expect to see more depictions of “The German Hand” (aka the Nazi International) to be coming out in the future that portrays Germans as the secret string pullers behind ALL of the world’s problems. Breaking Bad is definitely the first to my knowledge?

As Vikings below, so Vikings above?


viking ship



The White Rabbit recently discussed the possibility of the returning Nordic aliens as being a group of “Intergalactic Vikings.” Recently I’ve been watching the excellent History Channel drama “Vikings.” The show depicts the story of Viking Ragnar Lothbrok and his adventures looting and pillaging Christian England with his Viking partners. Could it not be the case, that the reported Nordic Aliens (White gods) are just Vikings but on a larger scale? Instead of looting and extorting towns in Medieval Europe, these intergalactic Vikings do the same but to whole planets. The medieval vikings may be a microcosm of the space vikings who operate at the intergalactic level. And just like the medieval vikings would hit a town and then hit it again after 2 or 3 years, the space vikings might be coming back to hit earth again after 200,000 to 300,000 years. Or maybe 2 or 3 millions years.

The act of theft is rather un-honorable in this author’s opinion. The Vikings, Mongols, and Huns are looked down upon for being bandits, but if one examines history one sees mostly theft and killing. The Romans looted and extorted the people it subjugated. American history is partially a story of a large land grab in which the former inhabitants were done-away-with quite brutally. The Muslims invaded large areas of land and demanded tribute as well.

space vikings

It seems like there’s two kinds of large scale organized theft. There’s “barbarian theft” and then there’s “civilized theft.” The major difference is that with civilized theft, the money is used partially for public works. However, with these public-works comes forced cultural/ethnic assimilation. The Romans, American and European Christians, and Muslims forced their way-of-life on the people they stole from. The Vikings and Mongols took money, but didn’t push their laws, gods, and customs on their subjugated peoples. When the Christian Europeans colonized the world, their priests came with them to change the very souls of the indigenous populations. The Vikings and Mongols were more likely to take on aspects of the people they dominated.

The highest law of the universe may be Purpose and Will towards creation and/or destruction. This idea may upset the people who assume that any advanced beings (or Aliens) are going to be “morally superior” to humans. Doctrines of love and goodwill that are expressed so beautifully in Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu religions may be propaganda intended for the conquered people within the “civilized theft” model to keep them docile? While the plebs and proles hear sermons of love on Sunday, the elites of their civilizations live by the laws of power. The “barbarian theft” model is much more honest. With this model, if you get robbed you get robbed, but at least your very being isn’t under threat of being transmuted into chimerical monsters that bleed high fructose corn syrup. At least no one is proclaiming their undying love for you while the rob you.

If there are Intergalactic Vikings led by an Intergalactic Ragnar Lothbrok, then this may explain why so many countries are presently trying to buy or attain gold in large quantities? They may be preparing payment for the intergalactic Vikings? In relation to the “Vikings” series, I wonder who on earth would be the equivalent of King Aelle? In the series King Aelle is the King of North-Umbria and has to deal with the appearance of the Vikings in his lands. If there are Intergalactic Vikings preparing to invade earth, then perhaps the Anglo-American-Judeo elite’s god Satan or Lucifer takes on the role of King Aelle. King Aelle is a Yahwistic faith King who takes on Ragnar Lothbrok who follows the Norse faith. In the series Lothbrok even claims to be descendant of Odin himself. The HBO series “Deadwood” also featured an Olympian god of sorts in George Hearst coming to town for the gold while the Satan-like god Al Swearengen opposes him(1).

I highly recommend watching the series “Vikings.” It may be a glimpse of what’s to come on earth. Odin and Lucifer may be preparing to fight over the gold and life as we know it will change forever. If Satan/Lucifer is the victor, then we can expect our very being to be transmutated into chimerical creatures that are part animal, vegetable, or mineral(computers). If Odin is the victor, the earth may lose its gold supply, but at least we won’t be made into demonic soulless creatures of a chimerical nature.

And what about the Intergalactic Viking women?

viking girl







Ein Prosit !!!

Grab a mug of green tea, milk, water, beer or whatever beverage you like and just give thanks that the end of the anti-White/NWO entity is nigh. Sing “Ein Prosit” as you think about what you did to oppose the Satanic forces that tried to forced-diversify White people from the Universe.You’re going to notice people jumping on the bandwagon when they start to see the anti-White/NWO ship going down. PEOPLE KNOW THAT THE ANTI-WHITE SYSTEM IS WRONG, they just need to hear some serious people point it out. They’re programmed to feel SCARED TO TALK about it. Feel good TONIGHT that YOU contributed when it was very unpopular to be against White genocide. I (the creator and writer for SS) give thanks to the highest power in the Universe for providing me with the experiences in my rotational path to allow me to see the phenomenon in the first place.

I feel blessed that I can see this satanic activity but feel, ney KNOW, that it’s my responsibility to act against it. Other humans who don’t identify themselves as being “White” still must oppose White genocide if they wish to claim they are “enlightened,” “rational,” or “moral” people. Once the White genocide program has been grinded to powder, there will be other challenges, but as far as I’m concerned, we (all humans) should be optimistic for a future when people have the right to live according to their own narratives with the people who best fit within their narrative.

True freedom is the right to live (rotate?) with who you wish without interfering with others right to do the same. This FREEDOM is coming SOON, as is the creativity that this will unleash across the earth and BEYOND. All people will benefit greatly when freedom of association is fully understood, implemented, and carried out as a basic “human right.” The potential for cooperation, creativity, and PROBLEM SOLVING is ENDLESS as we optimize our time and effort with the humans that share our symbolic understanding of the Universe.

This is the future. Freedom of association with greater cooperation.

BUT, tonight enjoy yourself with a beverage and with the people that fit in best with your symbolic rotational path.

White gods as archetypes

odin and zeus

In my last post I discussed the subject of the White gods (Nordic aliens). These “gods” are advanced beings that with high technology and great knowledge would have looked supernatural to early humans. I explained that these gods may be the creators of humans and may be returning to earth to claim their stock.

Of course, besides the ancient texts and some modern UFO encounters, the evidence for the existence of these beings is lacking. It may be the case that these gods only exist as archetypes within us as White humans.

Carl Gustav Jung defined archetypes as “ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious” (1). These beings may exist in our minds as higher ideas that we can look up to and identify with. A god like Zeus would represent an authority-father figure that we associate with justice and strength.

Zeus, or Odin may “return” to earth not in a space ship, but in the very being of one or more individuals already on earth. This person(s) would not go on YouTube and declare “I am Zeus,” but their actions and power would lead others to make the connection between him and Zeus. White humans are now facing a program of White genocide (see page above titled “The anti-White system”). Perhaps these archetypes appear in time of distress when a people consciously and/or unconsciously feel extreme danger? Perhaps archetypes of the world-changing nature appear when the world needs to be set-aright the most?

The authors of the book of Revelation and the Hindu texts that write about the “end times” or Kali-Yuga describe various gods and angels returning to earth to fight evil. Perhaps the writers of these texts knew that there would be a time in the future when civilization would become deviant, corrupt, and sick, and when this occurred, the “gods” would arrive in archetypal form?

These archetypes would be a part of us, buried in our memories but kept at pilot light level in our being through art, symbols, and stories. When the need comes about, the pilot light turns into a towering inferno that engulfs all those and that which threatens the survival of the folk. These archetypal beings would be beings against time. They would arrive in 750 BC just the same as they would in 2013 AD. Their outward forms would conform to the times, but their spirit would be the same. IOW, they wouldn’t show up today wearing togas and wielding hammers, they would be wearing modern clothing and wielding modern weaponry but their essence would not change.

While it’s exciting to think about White gods ascending from the heavens and throwing certain globalist elites into a pit of fire, it’s most likely not going to happen that way (but not impossible). These gods may already be here and you can see them when you look in the mirror. One of the goals of any future White society should be the creation of these White gods from the current base material of our folk.


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