Systems and Symbols

Joining Matters Aright

Being on the White Path


The White Path is a religion for White people. It recognizes the supreme Force in the universe known to most as “God” (1).  It praises and honors the lower gods known from European mythology (2). I will now lay out the moral teachings and overall mindset of the White Path.

The most important moral teaching of the White Path is the existence and amelioration of Whiteness. The great Force of the Universe created Whiteness. Whiteness is part material (DNA) and part spirit which meet at a common realm known as mind (consciousness). Whiteness exists across the physical world of matter, the incorporeal world of spirit, and in the mental world of consciousness.

White matter and White spirit counter-rotate while adjoining at the point of mind.

Those on the White Path emulate the great Force of the Universe by creating powerful forms. The various esoteric organizations refer to the Force as the Great Architect of the Universe. Those on the White Path would see the Force more as the Great Artist of the Universe. God or the Force creates and destroys for a purpose beyond our understanding. Those on the White Path will create powerful and beautiful forms in emulation of the Great Artist. While we do so we will try to understand the greater purpose of the Force, but accept that our minds may not be able to comprehend it.

We will remain focused on our great art project.  This art project is the building of a great civilization, the core of which is the building of powerful, beautiful, and knowledgeable beings that can one day be called Ubermenschen. We will build a great intergalactic civilization and our art will stretch across the universe. We will do this because this is what the Force does. We will channel the collective energies of White People into our great Art project called Whiteness.  Why?  We praise the Great Artist of the Universe by emulating the Great Artist of the Universe. The Great Artist builds mountains, stars, and atoms, so we will do as the Force does.

The White Path gives White Folk an outlet to channel their divine gifts.

This brings me to the next major aspect of the White Path. Besides an outlet to express the White spirit, the White Path will offer the means to find inner peace. This inner peace will arise with the knowledge that the individual is contributing their part to the larger whole of Whiteness. They’ll know that when temples of Whiteness stand on planets on the other side of the universe, that they will have been part of the reason why.

Meditation will be practiced by those on the White Path. Meditation increases focus by increasing mindfulness. Mindfulness is living in the present. Dwelling on the past and/or worrying about the future is a waste of energy. Living in the present is how inner peace is found. Meditation is a tool for living in the present. The White Path is about creating powerful forms and being able to enjoy the moment enough to truly appreciate the forms that we’ve created.  We live knowing all we do is for the greater purpose of the Great White Intergalactic Art Project. When people are mindful, calm, and focused is when they can create at their greatest potential. The White Path is the path to greater purpose, inner peace, and finding ones true creative potential.

But, what about destruction you ask? The Force creates planets and atoms but also destroys planets and atoms.  We on the White Path will not interfere with the art projects of others, but for reasons still unknown to us, the Force sees fit to create beings and forces that oppose Whiteness.  These are the anti-Whites. At this point this author explains anti-White existence as one would explain weights in resistance training. The Force presents us with anti-Whites to make us stronger. These anti-White forces of darkness will attempt to eradicate Whiteness and will warrant doing so in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity.” They will be met with our powers of destruction.  This can range from having their systems smashed, as is being done presently on earth. To having their planets turned to dust in some far-away galaxies. They exist to disrupt our art project and we exist to do our art project. This is no different than two planets crashing in space. It’s the nature of the universe.

I will now review the moral teachings of the White Path.

The White Path does not have black-and-white rules like Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Rules like the 10 commandments have too many exceptions to be useful. Thou shall not kill, but what about in war?  Thou shall not steal, but what about your enemy’s resources?  The only black-and-white rule that this author finds useful is the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you wish to be treated.”  Or, “allow others their way of life as you would wish to live your own. “

The Nine Noble Virtues of Odinism (3) would be good place to start. I will write more about moral teachings in the future, but just wanted to include these in case I get whacked. This way something is in place in case of my absence. Those on the White Path will ask themselves, while considering their actions, if they coincide with the 9 noble virtues.

  1. Courage
  2. Truth
  3. Honor
  4. Fidelity to folk
  5. Discipline (including Patience)
  6. Hospitality
  7. Self-Reliance
  8. Industriousness
  9. Perseverance

Religions also tend to regulate people’s sex lives so I believe some discussion of this topic is necessary. The White Path does not require people wait until marriage to have sex. The White Path recommends that people only have sex when in a committed, caring relationship. Having sex outside a committed relationship isn’t necessarily a “sin” like in Christian teachings, but it can lead to problems that can interfere with the greater mission of the White Path (unwanted pregnancies, diseases, sex addition). It also goes against the noble virtue of “Honor” when a man whoremongers or a woman acts like a slut. The White Path encourages the folk to have large families and to be married in a White church or temple. The White Path will not recognize same sex marriage.

A Yahwistic faith like Islam has 5 pillars that one must live by to be considered a “good Muslim.”  The White Path will have no rigid religious rules. The White Path requires that the folk commit to furthering the Great White Art Project. At this point in history, those on the Path should focus on destroying the current anti-White system with the message found at Bob’s Underground Graduate Seminar (see BUGS in my blogroll and “The Mantra” page above). One should pray at least once daily (facing north) to the Force and the gods. One should meditate at least 15 minutes a day for mindfulness. One should celebrate the holidays of the White Path (4), (5). One should have symbols of the Force ( golden swastika) and the gods (statues, icons, images) in their homes.

This is only the beginning for the teachings and outlook of the White Path, but I think it’s a good start. The White Path will be the future religion of the future White Intergalactic civilization, but its roots are being established now. Right now is like the early Christian times before the Roman Catholic Church. The main thing is that the White Path always remains true to White survival and White amelioration. Constant improvement of the White individual and the White collective is the law. Build powerful forms in the spirit of Whiteness and work on being still and mindful. It’s the total present state without worry that one will see the Force in all its glory and perhaps see a glimpse of the Force’s bigger plan?

Are you on the White Path?






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